Boxing helmet – which boxing helmet to choose. How to choose a helmet for boxing Which boxing helmet to choose for a beginner

If you are involved in boxing or other mixed martial arts, then you have often thought about protecting the most important part of the body - the head. For this you will need a helmet. We will help you deal with this difficult matter, and we will analyze the types of helmets, as well as important aspects.

Choosing a helmet for competitions is not difficult. If you plan to compete at the official and international levels, then your choice is not the same or large.

In this case, you need to purchase a competition model that is made to competition standards and is accredited. Therefore, you only have the right to choose the manufacturer.

Classification by level of protection

The first characteristic is to distinguish between helmets based on the level of head coverage, which depends on the type of sport, and the desire to provide protection to the athlete.

These helmets only protect the most important parts of the head. For example, competitive boxing helmets cover the forehead, jaw and ears from blows. This defense is allowed for MBA competitions. It has a small shape and has an advantage in weight. It may also have laces or velcro tape. You will be surprised by the extensive size chart, so you will definitely find the size for you. But this protection is not advisable to use in training and martial arts; this will require more durable helmets.

Especially suitable for those athletes who have been training for quite a long time and a worthy choice for beginner boxers. It is completely different from protection with minimal head coverage; it has a denser and thicker layer of filling. Often has a chinrest and cheekbone protection. With this protection you can easily practice any type of kick, as well as footwork.

The main advantage of this protection is a good viewing angle and the ability to turn your head. In addition, it has ear and head protection. There is no size chart here, because it allows you to select it to suit your head size.

The design of this helmet protrudes slightly forward behind the face, this provides complete protection of the face from opponent’s blows. Often it has a metal protection that is covered and filled with leather. Has an additional level of ear protection. This look is perfect for amateur athletes who must respect their reputation as a business person and not come to work with abrasions. The disadvantage of this type is reduced visibility and limited head mobility.

This model is not very popular. The cage is made of strong plastic or light metal. Since the other two models have a dense structure and ear protection, many samples are also complemented by a reinforced chin. The disadvantage of this type is the limitation of the athlete’s visibility.

Above is a selection of helmets based on protection criteria, and now we will find out what measures you need to take to choose a helmet for your head.


The protection structure should be chosen according to your needs, and also consider the degree of protection.

Today there is a very large selection of materials on the market. The primacy is occupied by such materials as: vinyl, leatherette, genuine leather. Depending on how long you want your purchased protection to last, its cost depends directly on it. Helmets made from genuine leather are considered durable. They are durable and minimally hot.

The next best quality is leatherette. It also has durability, is also convenient and does not cost much. Vinyl protection is an unreliable material. It's hot enough in them that the vinyl will start to deteriorate in the first year.

One manufacturer pleases with its sizing chart, while others have a single size, but have a selection adjustment. Where there is a size chart, it is important to choose your size. A smaller size will simply not fit on your head, and a larger one will be unstable on your head.


Today there is enormous competition among manufacturers in the market, and this is all connected with the popularization of martial arts. Next to popular manufacturers there are domestic manufacturers.

Chinese factories offer considerable competition; they provide anyone who wants to start producing equipment of any kind.

Buy brands that have shown responsibility for their brand and have held the lead for many years. Decide on a brand that has the opportunity to represent at the highest levels of competition, whether it is the Olympics or the World Championships. Happy shopping, and take care of your head!

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During sparring, it is very important to protect the head from possible injuries. Of course, a helmet cannot completely protect against the possibility of getting a cut, abrasion or bruise. But with it, the risk of injury is significantly reduced. You can choose good protection yourself if you take into account the rating of the best boxing helmets for sparring, which we compiled based on reviews and recommendations from coaches and professional athletes.

There are several models of boxing helmets depending on their purpose:

  • A combat helmet provides protection for the athlete during competition. Such models have a light degree of protection; they leave the chin and cheeks completely exposed; they do not have a protective bumper. At the same time, such models create maximum visibility. A prerequisite for a combat helmet is the presence of a clasp on the chin. At the same time, Muay Thai helmets have reinforced protection on top.

  • The Mexican training helmet appeared for the first time in Mexico, which is why it got its name. A distinctive feature of this model is small eye slits and pads of sufficient thickness to protect the cheeks. This helmet provides high-quality protection for the nose and eyes, almost completely covering the face from impacts. The only weak point is the chin, it remains completely open.

  • Helmets with a bumper provide the best protection for the athlete. They are distinguished by a special protruding arc made of foam filler and a metal plate. This design will reliably protect against blows aimed at the face. The bumper will protect against fractures of the nose and jaw, and with it the athlete will not receive any wounds on the face. The only drawback of such a helmet is that the view of the lower part is limited, and, accordingly, mobility.

  • A boxing helmet with a visor completely eliminates direct contact between the boxer’s face and the opponent’s glove. On the front of this helmet there is a special grille and a plastic mask. They are the best way to save your face from cuts and cuts. The disadvantage of this helmet design is that the athlete does not receive enough oxygen during sparring; the plastic mask can fog up and obstruct vision. If necessary, this element of the helmet can be easily removed.

Video review of the main types of boxing helmets:

Criteria for choosing a boxing helmet

Before purchasing equipment, you need to understand how to choose a really high-quality helmet and what criteria to evaluate this or that helmet model. You need to know which functionality is really important and which nuances can be neglected.

Helmet fit and comfort

One of the most important factors considered when purchasing a boxing helmet is how comfortable the athlete feels wearing it. Ideally, there should be a feeling that the protection was made specifically for the athlete’s head. But if there is no such feeling, the athlete should feel quite confident in the equipment in question.

During a fight, a fighter should not be distracted by anything annoying or causing discomfort. More experienced athletes prefer equipment that provides more comfort and freedom rather than protection. After all, during a fight, softening material provides less protection than speed and a feeling of relaxation.

The helmet should not compress the head, sit unsteadily or fidget. Some models fit unevenly on the head, creating gaps in some places. This creates inconvenience when receiving blows.

The quality of the internal material must also be taken into account. Smooth materials are especially uncomfortable to wear, allowing the helmet to move during sparring. On the other hand, fur padding quickly becomes dirty, which is also annoying.

Pay attention to how comfortable you feel the chin strap, it should not be too tight, creating a feeling of suffocation. At the same time, the strap should not be loose, otherwise the helmet does not fit tightly enough.

Good review

Another important criterion is the degree of visibility. For high-quality protection against impacts, you need to see their direction. This makes it possible to prepare and avoid the blow in a timely manner. Therefore, experienced athletes often prefer helmets with good visibility, sacrificing thick padding.

The quality of vision depends on the forehead and cheek protectors, as well as the thickness of the padding around the circumference of the face. Too thick a layer of padding obstructs visibility and completely deprives the athlete of mobility. Try on different helmet sizes when shopping, choosing the one that gives you the best view.


Another important selection criterion is the quality of the padding. This parameter must be assessed not by the actual thickness of the protective layer, but by the sensations at the moment of taking the blow. Some helmets provide good protection against light impacts but not at all against heavy impacts.

Most often, the shock-absorbing properties are affected by the degree of rigidity of the padding. A soft layer provides better protection against light impacts, while very hard padding takes some time to break in.

Quality and durability

These parameters directly depend on the price of the model. If the equipment is made of high-quality and durable materials, it cannot be cheap. A good helmet will last for several years, but a budget model will fall apart just a few months after purchase.

Pay attention to the strap. If the quality is poor, the strap will be weak, which very quickly falls apart and breaks, or the buckle comes off from it.


The helmet should protect the main areas where an impact could occur. Most often, blows fall on the forehead, cheeks, chin and back of the head. No model will provide uniform protection for all these areas, so you need to choose what should be protected better. Here you need to focus on your own feelings and experience of fighting.

Helmet weight and size

These equipment parameters have some impact on the athlete's head mobility. The lighter the weight of the equipment and the tighter it fits the head, the better the mobility and the easier it is to dodge blows. Too thick padding turns the boxer's head into a large target that is difficult to cover from blows.

Which company is better to buy a helmet?

Equipment for boxers is produced by different companies. At the same time, according to athletes who are professional boxers, equipment produced by boxing brands performs better. Equipment produced by MMA brands looks and feels no worse, but the durability of such models is much lower. Within a year, MMA brand helmets may become unusable. While equipment from boxing brands remains in excellent condition even after several years of active use.

You should also distinguish between training helmets and models intended for competitions. The former have thicker padding and provide high-quality protection against various types of impacts. Competition models have thinner padding, are lighter and provide better mobility for the athlete. Different types of helmets should be used strictly for their intended purpose.

Rating of quality boxing helmets 2020

This helmet rightfully takes first place in the rating. The Japanese brand Winning is considered one of the best. This helmet model is intended for professionals. It is lightweight and comfortable, you don’t feel it on your head at all, but at the same time it provides a good level of protection.

The only weak point of this helmet is the protection of the back of the head. Of all the models, this helmet has the smallest weight, for which it is highly valued by high-class fighters. Although the helmet is made of artificial leather, this does not prevent it from taking first place in the ranking.

Boxing helmet Winning FG-2900


  • Comfortable;
  • Provides good security;
  • Lasting;
  • Easy.


  • Poor protection for the back of the head.

The average price is 19,790 rubles.

This helmet is made in Mexico. It is made of genuine leather and filled with latex foam inside. This model features an anatomical three-point design. The helmet is secured at the chin with a drawstring, at the back of the head there are Velcro, and at the top there is lacing.

The helmet provides good protection for the face from the temples, forehead and cheeks. The design of the helmet allows you to customize it to the athlete’s parameters, creating an optimal balance between visibility and safety. At the same time, the protection of the chin and lower jaw remains minimal.

Boxing helmet Cleto Reyes Cheek Protection Headgear


  • Comfortable model, can be customized;
  • Lasting.


  • No protection for the lower jaw.

The average price is 11,200 rubles.

This model is also one of the best boxing helmets. For cushioning, this model uses several layers of polyurethane foam and a gel pad. The helmet itself is made of genuine leather, which ensures long service life. The helmet protects the cheek area and provides protection for the nose and chin. This helmet is used by professional athletes for training.

Boxing helmet TITLE Gel World Full-Face Training Headgear


  • Lasting;
  • Creates good security;
  • Made from genuine leather.


  • Not found.

The average price is 6300 rubles.

This model is intended primarily for sparring in Muay Thai, where there may be elbow strikes. In this regard, it creates good protection for the ears, cheek area and chin. The helmet provides complete safety and at the same time does not limit visibility. This model has the most optimal ratio of good visibility and protection.

Boxing helmet Fairtex Super Sparring Headguard


  • Does not limit the view;
  • Protects well;
  • Lasting;
  • Comfortable.


  • Not found.

The average price is 9990 rubles.

Boxing helmet Twins HGL-6

These helmets are produced in Thailand, and they are intended primarily for Muay Thai. The model meets all safety standards and provides excellent protection. These helmets are made entirely by hand and are of good quality. The helmet is made entirely of genuine leather, so it will last a long time. The model has a chin protector and Velcro on the back of the head for fastening. This model is designed for martial arts of all contact types.

Boxing helmet Twins HGL-6


  • Long service life;
  • High-quality cushioning.


  • Not found.

The average price is 5,400 rubles.

This helmet is made of thick calfskin, so it has a long service life. Polyurethane foam filler is used as a shock-absorbing material. An additional layer of foam is provided in the cheek and forehead area. The lining is made of suede, which is soft, comfortable and durable. This model is suitable for beginners and professional athletes.

Boxing helmet Rival Traditional Training Headgear


  • Natural materials;
  • High-quality protection;
  • Universal model.


  • Not found.

The average price is 5360 rubles.

This helmet has padding with excellent shock-absorbing properties and provides good protection against heavy impacts. The model is made of leather, which ensures long service life. There is a special lining inside that provides air access and reduces perspiration. Ear protectors are provided to protect the sides of the head. This helmet does not provide chin protection, which is a minus.



  • Good protection against heavy impacts;
  • Quality materials;
  • Long service life.


  • No chin guard.

The average price is 5600 rubles.

Video review of the helmet:

This helmet has an attractive design. In addition, it provides a good fit on the head, adjustable with Velcro in the back of the head. The design of the helmet is quite comfortable and provides reliable protection during the training process. In addition, the helmet is quite light and provides good visibility.

Boxing helmet Hayabusa Tokushu Headgear


  • Good protective properties;
  • Does not limit the view;
  • Attractive design.


  • High price.

Average price - 24,500 rubles

Video review of the advantages of the helmet:

This model is highly adjustable and is made entirely of leather, completely dispersing much of the impact. The remaining part is absorbed by the internal soft material. The filler has an impressive thickness and protects well from impacts. The helmet is adjustable with Velcro and straps. This helmet is suitable for various martial arts. But at the same time, the model is not approved by AIBA, which forces you to purchase additional headgear for boxing tournaments.

Boxing helmet TITLE Platinum Training Headgear


  • High-quality protection;
  • Natural materials;
  • Easy to customize.


  • Not approved by the federation.

The average price is 8490 rubles.

This helmet has thick padding that provides excellent protection. There is an additional layer of filler in the nose area. The model is quite comfortable, as it has a good anatomical design. The disadvantage is limited visibility due to the additional layer of padding in the nasal septum area.

Boxing helmet Ringside Master’s Competition Headgear

Choice martial arts helmet is a key step in ensuring athlete safety during training and in the ring. After all, the head is especially vulnerable, the nose, jaw, cartilage on the ears - all this breaks even from fleeting blows. What can we say about sparring with full gear or a real fight, where a severe concussion awaits fighters behind every hook.

Since 1986, helmets have been required for all participants in official amateur boxing competitions. On the other hand, make no mistake, even the best helmet does not provide one hundred percent protection. This role can only be played by the fighter’s technique, his reaction and speed of movements.

Conceptually, the question of how to choose the right helmet for boxing is not simple. From a functional point of view, helmets are usually divided into two categories:

  • training helmet(such equipment protects the athlete’s head completely, or almost completely, hiding the ears, forehead, cheeks and often even the chin);
  • competition helmet(this is “open type” equipment; it protects only the side of the head, in particular the ears, and partially the forehead area).

However, when choosing between these types of equipment, it is incorrect to say which boxing helmet is better. A training helmet provides an increased level of protection, but significantly blocks vision, reducing the fighter's mobility. Competition (combat) helmets give the fighter the opportunity to freely view the surrounding space, but this type of equipment does not provide even minimal protection against an accented jab to the chin, nose or eye.

Typology of helmets for martial arts, what to look for

When wondering how to choose a boxing helmet, there is no need to focus on the material of manufacture. Today, protective equipment is made from a range of natural and synthetic materials. Famous brands like Twins, Top King Super Star and Fairtex prefer to use only natural materials (for example, leather), they are durable and pleasant to the touch.

Choosing a boxing helmet, you need to understand what type of equipment will best suit your training method. And if, for example, you play sports, as they say, for yourself, then you simply do not need a helmet that meets competition standards. From this point of view, when deciding which boxing helmet is best suited to your situation, pay attention to the following typology of this protective equipment:

  • Combat helmet. Actually, this is a competition helmet. It is completely “open”, light and very comfortable. Its distinctive feature is the clasps on the chin. Please note that only red and blue helmets are allowed for competitions; equipment must fully comply with the requirements of the International Amateur Boxing Association.
  • "Mexican" helmet. This type of safety helmet was developed in Mexico, hence its name. This is equipment for “hard” sparring; the distinctive features of such helmets are large pads on the forehead and cheeks. The “Mexican” helmet guarantees excellent protection for the athlete’s head, except for one area - there are no elements at the neck that protect the chin.
  • Helmet "Fullface". The name comes from the English “full face” and clearly hints that this type of helmet protects the athlete’s entire face. Indeed, such equipment protects everything - the side of the head, forehead, cheekbones, cheeks, chin, nose. But there are two nuances. Firstly, such a helmet significantly blocks your view. Secondly, even having softened the blow by 20-40%, it will not be able to completely extinguish the inertia and impact impulse.
  • Helmet with "bumper". When discussing which boxing helmet is best to choose, be sure to pay attention to this type. Structurally simple helmets of this type are distinguished by the presence of a protective strip located at the level of the nose and mouth, which provides excellent protection for the desired areas of the face. However, such helmets have a significant drawback - they do not provide the best visibility in the lower hemisphere.

Now that you know which boxing helmet is best to choose, the only thing left is to find a store where you can buy really high-quality equipment. You can find excellent boxing helmets here /zashhita-dlja-edinoborstv/shlem-bokserskij/ and here /boks/shlema-bokserskie/. We offer products from brands that are leaders in the field of sports equipment production. These are comfortable, reliable and durable helmets for martial arts made from natural materials. With them you will feel protected, and this feeling will not be deceptive.

Today we will try to find the answer to a very important question about how to choose a boxing helmet. The thing is that in boxing special attention is paid to protecting the head, because it is the most vulnerable spot. This vulnerability is provoked by too thin and sensitive scalp, brow ridges, as well as cartilaginous muscles of the nose and ears. And, of course, the human brain requires special protection. We have already found out that a boxing helmet is an important part of an athlete’s equipment. However, even the most progressive and expensive model from a renowned manufacturer is not at all a panacea for missed shots. Remember this, using maximum concentration, skill, experience and your reaction speed - this is the only way you will be guaranteed to be protected from head injuries. We have already discussed how to choose, and now we will look in more detail at all existing types of boxing helmets.

The world of martial arts is very diverse. Depending on the type of martial arts, there are different helmets. You can see the advantages and disadvantages of various helmets in the video review.

The first thing to consider when choosing a boxing helmet is its type. There are the following types of such equipment:

How to choose a boxing helmet: types of boxing helmets.

The main purpose of such a helmet is to protect the athlete taking part in amateur boxing tournaments and competitions. A characteristic feature is the lack of protection for the chin, cheeks, or “bumper”, but, at the same time, maximum visibility. A mandatory element of this type of helmet is the presence of a clasp on the chin. Please note that helmets for amateur boxing can only be red or blue. Also, they may or may not be approved by AIBA.

This type of equipment is called “Mexican” because it first appeared in Mexico and was used during tough training. The main characteristic features of such helmets are narrow slits for the eyes, wide pads to protect the cheeks, and a clasp on the chin. Such helmets provide excellent protection against injuries to the nose and eyes, covering almost the entire face area. The only weak point is the lack of protection for the chin area, which can be very inappropriate for missed blows to the jaw.

In search of an answer to the question of how to choose a boxing helmet, under no circumstances should this type of equipment be ignored. Typically, this category includes helmets with cheek and chin protection. The latter perfectly absorbs impacts to the jaw, protecting lips and teeth. However, there is no need to be mistaken, because with a strong impact, even softening it by 20-40%, this helmet will not be able to completely protect the athlete from micro-concussions or concussions.

Helmets of this type are distinguished by the presence of a perpendicular protective crossbar. The main advantage of this type of equipment is reliable protection of the chin, nose, and eyes. As for the downsides, the visibility from below is not very good.

Once you have chosen the type of boxing helmet that is most suitable for you, you can move on to the next step - choosing the right size. To figure out which size is right for you, take a tape measure and measure your head circumference. The data obtained will help determine the appropriate size, guided by the data below:

  • XS/S – 51-55 centimeters;
  • S – 52-55 centimeters;
  • M – 55-58 centimeters;
  • L – 58-60 centimeters;
  • XL – 60-62 centimeters.

Among the leading companies in the boxing helmet market are the following: Lonsdale, Reyes, Adidas Boxing, Everlast, Title. Although, first of all, we recommend that you study the characteristics of a particular helmet, and only then pay attention to the manufacturing company. To summarize, we can say that the main thing when choosing a boxing helmet is to decide on the purpose of the purchase, and only then select the model that best suits you.

And in conclusion, by tradition, we invite everyone to ours, where you can learn to stand up for yourself, and also acquire excellent physical shape and excellent health.


A boxing helmet is one of the most important components of equipment for athletes in contact martial arts. The helmet is relevant for both novice fighters and professionals. It is used during training and in amateur competitions.

What tasks does this type of equipment perform?

  • protection of the head from mechanical damage;
  • reducing the load on the brain;
  • protection of the skin of the head and nose

Purpose of a boxing helmet

Since 1986, the boxing helmet has been officially used in amateur competitions with a high level of injury risk. Using a helmet can significantly reduce direct hits to the head and avoid painful bruises and cuts. We all know that boxers are prone to concussions quite often. Protecting your temples reduces the risk of these types of consequences.

Types of boxing helmets

There are 2 types of helmets:

  1. training boxing helmets;
  2. performance helmets

For preparatory fights, it is advisable to use good protection so as not to get injured before the decisive fight. Therefore, the training boxing helmet is more closed.

If we talk about competition equipment, it is more open. In training, it is not customary to fight with full strength and put all your energy into the blow. During the competition, the impact force should be greater. However, despite this, more open helmets are often relevant for performances, which provide protection to the temporal, frontal, occipital areas of the head and ears. This is explained by the fact that during the fight there must be a good view.

Boxing helmets photo: Open helmet, helmet with bumper, closed training helmet

To provide better protection, helmets with a front bumper at chin level are used. There are designs with transparent glass, which completely covers the face and nose, as well as with a lattice metal mesh. Such a boxing helmet, although quite bulky, protrudes noticeably forward, is characterized by a high level of protection against side impacts. The presented designs are optimal for beginner athletes.

How to choose a helmet for boxing

Fit and comfort

One of the determining criteria that is taken into account when choosing a boxing helmet is how comfortable the fighter feels in it. Ideally, it should feel like the protection was made specifically for your head. However, if there is no such feeling, the fighter should feel confident in this kind of equipment.

During fights, an athlete should not be distracted by anything annoying, much less causing discomfort. Experienced fighters prefer equipment that gives enough freedom and comfort rather than protection.

The boxing helmet should not put pressure on the head, nose, or sit in an unstable position. It happens that models have an uneven fit, forming gaps. This causes great inconvenience when receiving blows during sparring.

Don't forget to take into account the quality of the internal material. Note that smooth materials are uncomfortable to wear; they tend to move in a fight. At the same time, fur padding becomes dirty in a short time.

Good review

Another important point is the degree of visibility of the boxing helmet. To protect against enemy attacks, you need to see their direction. This allows you to prepare and dodge the blow in time. Therefore, experienced athletes prefer boxing helmets with good visibility, thereby sacrificing thick padding.

The quality of visibility of a boxing helmet depends on the protectors of the cheeks and forehead, and the thickness of the padding along the facial circumference. A layer of padding that is too thick can obstruct vision and deprive a fighter of mobility. Therefore, when choosing, it is better to try on various types of equipment to achieve the optimal fit.

Boxing helmet padding

Another significant selection criterion is the quality of the padding. This parameter should be assessed not by the actual thickness of the protective layer, but by the sensations during the impact. Some models of boxing helmets provide excellent protection against light blows and do not at all guarantee protection against heavy ones.

Typically, the shock-absorbing properties are influenced by the degree of stiffness of the padding. The soft layer is designed to protect against light impacts; hard padding requires some time to break in.


A boxing helmet is designed to protect those areas where an opponent's punch may land. As a rule, blows fall on the cheeks, forehead, back of the head and chin. It is impossible to achieve uniform protection of all represented areas, so it is better to be guided by your individual preferences and experience in sparring.

Boxing helmet weight and size

These equipment parameters affect the mobility of a fighter’s head. The lighter the boxing helmet is and the tighter it fits your head, the better you can dodge punches. Too thick padding can turn a fighter’s head into a kind of target that is difficult to protect from inflicted blows.

When choosing a good boxing helmet, you need to focus on the following characteristics:

  • comfort (tight fit without squeezing);
  • ensuring a sufficient level of visibility;
  • does not make breathing difficult;
  • does not hinder movements;
  • reduces vibration upon impact

When purchasing a boxing helmet, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made. It could be:

  • leather;
  • artificial leather;
  • suede

Typically, the outer and inner parts are made of identical materials. Therefore, when choosing the type of equipment presented, you need to take into account the level of stretching of the materials. Of course, their ability to absorb moisture.

Boxing helmet: which brand is better to buy

Boxing equipment is produced by different companies. According to experienced fighters, the quality of equipment produced by boxing brands is better. If it is produced by MMA brands, then it looks similar in appearance, but is inferior in durability to the first one.

In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between training boxing helmets and models that are intended for competitions. The former are equipped with thicker padding, so they guarantee good protection against various impacts. Competition models of boxing helmets have a thin padding layer, they are lighter, and therefore contribute to better mobility of the fighter in the ring.