Letter o made of polymer clay. DIY polymer clay flowers: master classes, photo examples. Tools for modeling from polymer clay

Today I want to tell you about how to make letters on magnets from polymer clay with your own hands. These letters are adorable and so easy to create! And if you still have doubts about your abilities, a step-by-step description with detailed photos will explain how to make them correctly.

Tools and materials Time: 1 hour Difficulty: 3/10

  • polymer clay of bright colors;
  • letter-shaped cookie cutters;
  • glass pan;
  • round magnets;
  • glossy or matte varnish for plastic;
  • rolling pin;
  • universal glue.

When you have small children in your home, sooner or later the question of their education will arise. ABC is a mandatory part of the program. You can sit together with an ABC book and spend hours explaining to your child where each letter is and how it is read. Or you can hang funny magnets in the form of letters on the refrigerator or a special board, where the child will learn science while playing. Your baby will thank you!

These polymer clay letters on magnets are a great gift for a home with young children!

Necessary materials:

Step-by-step master class

So, let's start working with polymer clay.

Step 1: Prepare the Clay

  • Take the plastic and knead it until it becomes soft and pliable. Roll the material into a ball.
  • Using a rolling pin, roll out the clay into a layer 5-6 cm thick.

Step 2: Cut out the letters

  • Place a letter-shaped cutter on the clay layer and squeeze out the figure.
  • In the same way, knead and roll out other shades of plastic. Cut out the necessary letters from them.

Step 3: send for firing

Place the figures in a glass baking dish. Burn them in an oven for the amount of time that is written on the plastic packaging.

Cool the baked letters without removing them from the oven.

Step 4: Varnish

Cover the cooled figures with glossy or matte plastic varnish in several layers. Make sure the previous coat is completely dry before applying the next coat.

In the 1930s, Germany invented an amazing material for creating extraordinary products – polymer clay. At first, dolls were made with it, but in the 60s it rapidly gained popularity, after which clay began to be used to create various sculptures and compositions.

Nowadays original jewelry, souvenirs, and flowers are created from this material. Wedding bouquets are excellent made from polymer clay, so clay has become an indispensable material for wedding celebrations.

You too can learn how to make gorgeous crafts from this wonderful material. In order to create your first masterpiece, you will only need to familiarize yourself with the material below.

Tools for modeling from polymer clay

  • Surface to work on. You can take a flat and perfectly even board made of glass or plastic, tiles or ceramics.
  • Knife. Suitable for both stationery and construction. Have spare blades on hand.
  • An acrylic rolling pin is very convenient for rolling out clay.
  • A syringe and various attachments with which you can make various stripes and floral elements.
  • Forms for cutting out shapes (cutters).
  • Stacks.
  • Polymer clay.
  • Varnish for polymers.
  • Brushes of different sizes.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Napkins.
  • Fittings.

Before starting work, the clay needs to be kneaded well.

  1. First, wash your hands well, as clay perfectly absorbs various contaminants. Keep your work area clean too. Tie up your hair or put a scarf on your head.
  2. Apply talc to the clay to prevent debris from sticking to it.
  3. Calculate the amount of clay correctly, because colored clay has a short shelf life.
  4. When the clay dries out, don’t lose heart, just add regular hand cream to the material, but not a lot.
  5. Be careful with clay products - they are quite fragile.
  6. Store the packaging with the material only when it is closed. To ensure that the clay serves you for a long time, place a damp cloth there.

Polymer clay at home

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase ready-made clay in the store, then below is a recipe for making this material at home.

You will need: baby butter, flour (1 teaspoon), regular white glue (1 teaspoon), cornstarch (1 teaspoon).

Combine starch, glue, add flour. Stir until the mixture resembles clay. Next, add five or six drops of oil to prevent the clay from sticking to your hands. To make colored clay, take some of this material in your hand, drop a little acrylic paint and knead it in your hand.

Polymer clay flowers

Calla lilies

For those who are just starting to work with polymer clay, it will be easiest to make calla lilies. This is a very simple craft and can be done in a matter of minutes. And if you decorate the resulting flower with beads and thread a special hook into them, you will get gorgeous earrings.

Take a couple of clay flowers, a toothpick, a utility knife, rubber gloves and beads.

Make a sausage out of the clay pieces, then roll them around one another. Roll the resulting product into a ball. Do these manipulations until you get a marbled color. After this, use a knife to cut the ball into two equal parts.

Make a rounded flat plate and slightly extend its edge, which you pin with your fingers. Carefully roll up the opposite edge (like a paper bag).

Straighten the edges and correct them. You should end up with a pop-up bud. Use a toothpick to make small holes and insert the earring and beads into the flower.


Lily is more difficult to make than calla lilies, but the result is worth it!

Take clay of the color you like, a bottle or rolling pin, an awl or a large needle, a knife, paints (preferably watercolor), brushes, paper clips.

Put gloves on your hands, take a piece of clay, roll it thin, outline the petals. Draw the boundaries of the petals with a needle. You should end up with three large and three small petals. Small petals will be in the center of the flower.

Cut out the resulting petals using a knife or scissors. Draw veins on the petals - it looks very beautiful.

Let the resulting components dry, and then start making the center of the flower, namely the pistil and stamens. Roll out the clay and cut into thin strips. Make the strip for the pestle wider and apply brown color to its tip. Using a needle, curl the edges of the smaller petals. Straighten the paper clip and attach the flower to it, starting with the pistil and stamens. Next, attach the petals symmetrically.


Roses are considered the most sought after flowers, even if they are made from polymer clay. To make this beauty, take polymer clay and put gloves on your hands.

Make a sausage out of a piece of clay, cut it into pieces, from which you make balls of various diameters. Nine balls will be enough if the rose is small.

Make oval petals from the balls. To do this, place a ball on your left palm and apply pressure with the thumb of your right hand. Forming a petal. We make the edges of the petal thinner and the base denser. We do this with all the balls. After that we collect the rose. Make the middle of the flower - roll one petal into a roll. Next, attach the petals to the center from smallest to largest. Make sure that each petal covers the middle of the previous one.

The rose is done. It is perfect for decorating various accessories. It would look great as a refrigerator magnet.


After you have practiced making roses and callas, you can begin making an exquisite flower - an orchid. To work, take clay, a flat board, gloves, a rolling pin, wire, a special form for cutting, a knife, brushes, paints, molds, a stick with a rounded tip.

Using a stick, paint a piece of clay and make a small protrusion in the middle. Use a cookie cutter to cut out a cross - this will be the middle of the flower. If there is no shape, then draw the core yourself. We take the resulting part in our hands and bend its upper tip inward. Using a stick, we bend the remaining pieces in the same way.

Take the wire and bend it into a right angle. We put the middle of the flower, coated with glue, on the tip of the wire. Make the middle part of the flower sponge from a small piece of clay. To do this, make a grain out of it and cut it a little with a knife. Place it on the wire in the middle of the sponge. Color your flower lip.

After this we make the petals. Roll out a painted clay piece that has a protrusion. Place the blank on the mold and cut off the excess. We attach the wire to the base. We make five more petals in the same way. Draw dots on all petals. Take all the petals, lip, connect. It turned out to be a gorgeous orchid!

Crafts made with polymer clay are gaining popularity every day, and the type of ceramic floristry is developing. They sell well and are highly rated.

It is worth noting that modeling from this type of material is in demand not only among needlewomen. Children are becoming more and more interested in this type of art. This activity is very exciting, with its help your child will actively develop and relax. Children will be very happy to help you make crafts and decorations.

Learn to create masterpieces from polymer clay, and a new world of art will open up for you, with the help of which you can create chic jewelry and even have additional income from your work!

117 photos of color examples

Every master strives to mark his creation. I want to tell you how you can make a stamp with your personal logo. This stamp is suitable for making impressions in clay - polymer and regular. And this is what the result looks like:

And making such a stamp is not difficult.
I have a stamp with the cherry logo and it says "vishnya.com". But the inscription is straight and long, it is not suitable for plates with a small round bottom. See for yourself:

As you can see, only the logo fits on such a small bottom, but I want the website address to appear too. Therefore, I will make a lettering in a circle plus a small logo.

To work you will need:

1) Gypsum cake. (It’s easy to do. Mix the plaster as indicated in the instructions, and then pour it onto a flat surface, for example, onto glass. Once it hardens, remove it.)
2) Pencil, eraser.
3) A drawing of what will be cut out.
4) Incisors. They can be made, for example, from a knitting needle or any other sufficiently strong wire. Rivet it, grind it, and then attach an epoxy handle.

But you can do without it if you are not going to make reliefs. A regular nail of the right thickness will work just fine.
5) Clay, slip (clay diluted to a creamy state). They are not in the picture, I forgot to take a photo, sorry.

Let's get started.
First you need to outline a circle so you can see where to apply the drawing. I simply dipped the bottom of the plate in water and placed it on the plaster. After this, it is easier to mark the future stamp with a pencil.

At this point, the clay left on the wet plate can be easily wiped off with your finger and will not interfere. We begin to cut the letters along the lines.

To make sure everything is going as it should, you can periodically check the relief with a piece of clay. The letters must protrude at least 1mm, otherwise the print will not be clear. If somewhere the letters are lower, they are corrected, making the slots deeper.
We cut the relief to the end.

Cover the relief with a clay cake and press all the letters thoroughly. WE DO NOT REMOVE.

We sculpt a handle. We need not only a vertical column, which we can then hold on to. It is also important to take into account the thickness of the cake after pressing. It should not be too thin, otherwise it will break. Therefore, the handle must have a base so that the stamp comes out strong. You should not make the base too thick. It must be taken into account that the clay must be able to dry completely.

Lubricate the cake with slip.

Apply the handle, pressing well. There should be no air left inside! If necessary, you can thicken the base with an additional piece of clay.

Now we can remove our stamp. There is no need to pull the handle too hard; if the stamp does not come off, you can slightly lift it by the edge. But be careful! The central part should remain flat.

The stamp is not ready yet, but there is quite a bit left. Now you need to put it aside and let it dry. Ideally, the clay should reach a state where it is still quite wet, but no longer bends or deforms.
We mark the future outlines of the stamp.

Here you can see that the clay has not yet hardened too much (yes, I was a little hasty), so in one place it was easily scratched with a pencil.
We cut the future stamp along the intended line and wash the edge with a sponge.

We burn it.
And our stamp is ready.
Can be made from polymer clay, taking into account the characteristics of the material. But the principle is the same. :)
Important! If you want to stamp a polymer clay stamp in regular clay, it is advisable to lubricate it a little with vegetable oil, for example, otherwise it will stick.

UPD: It turned out experimentally that it is better to dry and fire stamps that are very large in area separately - that is, a separate cake, a separate handle, and then plant it on the glaze and bake it in a second firing.