What to give with wine, making the tasting exciting. How to pack a bottle as a gift in the most creative ways? Making paper packaging

Liana Raimanova

Alcohol as a gift is a great solution, but if you want to make a special impression on the person being gifted, consider original and beautiful design DIY bottles.

This will emphasize the importance and significance of the event, making the presentation exclusive and stylish.

To make gift wrapping you will need special paper, twines or cords, decorative elements, glue, tape and a little patience.

"Curly" bottle

You can wrap the bottle in gift paper in an unusual way. Place the container on the paper. Cut a strip twice its size in length. Wrap the bottle in paper, securing the bottom with a stapler or tape. The long top should be cut into thin strips, not reaching the neck of the bottle. It turns out fringe. Use decorative cord to tie the paper where the bottle ends. Using a pencil or scissors, “curl” the fringe into spirals. The unusual “curly” bottle is ready!

"Curly" bottle

Bottle decoration using origami technique

You can wrap the bottle in gift paper without covering the bottom and neck of the container, so that the cork peeks out. Fasten the paper carefully so that the edges have an aesthetic appearance. And decorate the cork itself using the origami technique: the figure of an animal, a heart, a plant.

Packaging in the form of a vase

You can wrap paper around the vessel to resemble a vase of flowers. Regular notepaper is suitable for this method. Wrap the container in it heightwise. Secure the edges with tape or a stapler. Tie a large bright bow in the middle. Write your congratulations directly on the paper. Place any flowers or branches in the resulting bag. The result is a festive vase with flowers.

Bottle packaging in the form of a vase

How to pack a bottle for a man?

An ordinary paper napkin will help you wrap a bottle beautifully as a gift for a man. Wrap it around the neck of the container, just like you seal jars of jam. Tie with paper twine. Attach a tag with congratulatory words to it.

This design can be done very quickly when there is absolutely no time left for something more serious.

In the same way you can perfectly decorate champagne. Attach serpentine, tinsel, and a spruce branch on top of the napkin. It will make a wonderful present for the New Year's table for friends.

Looks interesting bottle in "suit". Glue a pipe from black paper that will be slightly higher than the place of the bottle where it meets the neck. You need to make the same pipe from white paper, but with a slightly smaller diameter. Place the bottle in the white pipe and put the black one on top. Make a small cut (4-5 cm) at the top edge of the black pipe. Fold back the edges so that the white “shirt” peeks out. Attach buttons (you can draw them) and a bow tie on the white strip. Make a circling stripe in the middle of the black bottle to match the butterfly. An unusual souvenir is ready!

Or, alternatively, wrap the vessel up to the neck. Cut out a collar from paper and attach it to the bottle. Cut out a tie from paper of a contrasting color - it will immediately become clear that the gift is intended for a man.

Bottle in a “suit”

How to pack a bottle for a woman?

Pack wine for a woman as a gift in the following way:

  1. Measure a rectangle of wrapping paper 2-3 cm wider than the diameter of the bottle and 3-4 cm higher in height.
  2. Make a mark with a pencil on the paper where the neck ends.
  3. Now from the top edge you should cut the paper into thin strips approximately 2 cm wide.
  4. Staple the paper around the liquor.
  5. Each strip needs to be bent and its edge attached to the middle of the bottle. Do this for all stripes.
  6. Decorate the gluing areas with cord. You should get a flower from which the bottle looks out.

Bottle design in the shape of a flower

An excellent solution to make your own bottle box. It can be made in the form of a box with a hinged lid. Using the template (there are a huge number of them on the Internet, you just need to print them out), you need to cut out the box and glue the marked places. Add alcohol. Close the lid and seal with wax or special paper. So the gift will become mysterious. No one will guess what is inside.

When time is short for packaging, pack the vessel in several layers of multi-colored wrapping paper. Tie a bow and give it to your friend.

You can decorate the container with vertical strips of wrapping paper. This method is good when it is presented expensive type of alcohol: the gift is clearly visible, and the bottle has acquired a festive look.

Original bottle bag

An original gift bag for bottles is made from golf. You need to take a new sock. An old and worn product will not be suitable as gift packaging. Place the container in the sock. Tie it into a knot at the top and decorate it with a bow. Make a funny applique in the form of a muzzle: glue on eyes, nose, mouth. You can additionally make a wig from woolen threads and put it on your “head”. This method is used to make any fairy-tale characters: mermaids, clowns, bunnies. You can, for example, make a yellow pig (symbol of the year) if you are planning a trip to visit friends for the New Year.

Packing a bottle beautifully is not at all difficult. Use your own imagination and experiment when you have time. If it is not enough, use ready-made packaging options.

You will learn how to pack a bottle as a gift by watching the video:

27 November 2018, 17:45

Good alcohol is a gift suitable for any occasion. You can give it for New Year or a birthday, give it to your boss or close friend, bring it to a celebration or take it with you when you are going to visit. But how to pack a bottle in a unique way?

If you pay no less attention to the appearance of a gift than to its content, then a gift bag from a store is definitely not your story. Use the ideas from this article and turn ordinary wine or champagne into an original and memorable gift.


Paper is a classic and at the same time very versatile packaging method. You can wrap the bottle in bright gift paper or unusual newspaper, use pages from a magazine or comic book, and even print your own photos on the sheets. You can write wishes or draw a whole picture on plain paper, and add a beautiful ribbon or other decoration to the minimalist packaging.

And there are plenty of ways to wrap a bottle in paper. For example, you can:

  • wrap it completely;
  • wrap it halfway (top or bottom)
  • make something like a vase, decorating it with flowers;
  • use corrugated paper for a three-dimensional composition;
  • cut the top half of the paper into strips and make a fringe with curls, etc.

Furoshiki technique

Furos And Ki (sometimes pronounced "furoshiki") is a Japanese fabric folding technique that is often used today for gift wrapping as an alternative to traditional paper. To wrap a bottle the way the Japanese do, all you need is a square piece of fabric of the appropriate size and color and a little practice. For packaging, use the following scheme:

  • spread the cloth on the floor or table and place the bottle in the center;
  • tie the two opposite ends into a knot over the cork;
  • wrap the remaining two corners around the “body” of the bottle and tie a bow;
  • if you are going to carry a bottle in this package, twist the ends of the first knot with a rope and tie another small knot to make something like a handle.

If you want to pack two bottles at once, use a larger square of fabric. The actions with it will be approximately the same as in the first case:

  • place the bottles on the cloth so that there is a little space between them, and the necks point in opposite directions;
  • fold one edge of the fabric under the bottles, then roll everything into a roll;
  • Place the bottles vertically, lifting them by the neck, and tie a knot from the first diagram.

Furoshiki packaging is ready!


Simple and atmospheric packaging can be created using ordinary twine. You can wrap it around the whole bottle, part of it, or just the neck. The classic scheme looks like this:

  • carefully remove the label from the bottle;
  • lubricate the desired area of ​​the surface with a small amount of PVA or special decoupage glue;
  • carefully wrap the glued part with twine so that there are no gaps between the rows.

If desired, you can omit the use of glue: in this case, when starting packaging, secure one end of the rope with tape on the neck, wrap the bottle tightly and then, removing the tape, tie a neat knot. If you want to make the bottle brighter, buy colored twine or paint it yourself in advance.

Wooden box

Wooden bottle boxes look very authentic: it seems that the wine was delivered straight from a French vineyard, and the non-disposable packaging will become a real decoration for any bar. Of course, if you have woodworking skills, you can make such a case yourself, but, as a rule, it is easier to buy one. But engraving will help make the gift more personal: according to your order, the craftsmen will put the name of the recipient, the date or name of the holiday, and even a small congratulation on the box.


Your own unnecessary items can also be used as packaging material. For example, you can make an original and cozy cover from the sleeve of a sweater or knitted cardigan. For this:

  1. Wash and dry the item, then place the bottle in the sleeve so that the neck is in the cuff;
  2. Cut off the sleeve under the bottom of the bottle, leaving a few centimeters of margin;
  3. The bottom of the cover can be made from thick fabric, craft paper or from the sleeve itself, pulling the edges of the cut part towards the center;
  4. To prevent the knitting from unraveling, hem the yarn with thread just in case;
  5. Decorate the top of the case at your discretion: tie it with a ribbon, add beads, buttons or a card with congratulations.

During the pre-holiday bustle, we are all looking for gifts for family and friends, and also strive to present them as beautifully as possible. And since New Year's Eve is not complete without a glass of the treasured sparkling wine, let's think about how to beautifully package a bottle of champagne.

A simple option - made of paper

If you need an express way to create an original present, you will need advice on how to pack champagne in paper.

You will need:

a gift bag made of paper measuring at least 30 x 40 cm or packaging material, which you need to take twice as much;

  • glue gun;
  • a bottle of champagne;
  • a small decorative snowflake or napkin;
  • scissors;
  • a little raffia for decoration (or suitable beads, ribbon with beads, regular ribbon);
  • small New Year's balls, bells, toys to decorate the finished gift.

How to - step by step bottle decoration guide

And for inspiration, we suggest you look at how packaging champagne with your own hands for the New Year from corrugated paper can look in other variations.

New Year's champagne packaging made from ribbons

You can also beautifully package a bottle of champagne for the New Year using ribbons. There are many ideas and methods in the decor itself. We invite you to master the technique of such design, look at the possible options and create your own composition that will adequately decorate the festive table.

You will need:

  • 1.5 m of golden brocade ribbon;
  • 3.5 – 4 m of blue satin ribbon;
  • high-quality glue that can connect glass and tapes;
  • scissors;
  • a beautiful flower with a bow of a suitable color;
  • bottle of wine with a golden top.

Stages of work - step by step

There is another way to pack champagne for the New Year from ribbons. Using the same technique, you can make an imitation of a lady in a dress, Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, or simply beautifully decorate a bottle of sparkling wine with New Year's decorations.

Packing a bottle of champagne with twine threads

Champagne packaging created using ordinary twine thread looks very stylish. All you need for this decor is: twine of the desired color, high-quality glue, decorative elements. As you work, step by step, you need to coat small areas of the bottle with glue and immediately wrap the thread around the glue. It is very important to apply the thread in dense rows so that the glass is not visible. The finished container can be decorated with various elements by gluing them with a glue gun.

Advice. In the process of winding the thread, you can wrap the entire bottle or individual sections. Or even just combine colors. It will turn out stylish and original.

You can see how to pack a bottle of champagne using twine in the photo.

DIY Christmas champagne packaging using decoupage technique

If you are looking for an original way to package champagne, try the decoupage technique.

You will need:

  • napkin for decoupage on a New Year theme;
  • PVA glue;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • brush;
  • sponge;
  • glitter, ribbons (optional).

Packaging champagne using decoupage technique step by step

  1. Take a napkin and separate the topmost layer with the pattern.
  2. Mark the area where the picture will be located. If you think it necessary, you can use not the entire napkin, but only a separate part. In this case, cut out the selected fragment with scissors.
  3. Using a brush, carefully apply PVA onto the napkin, and then, still carefully, stick it to the bottle, smoothing out any unevenness with a sponge.

    Advice. Be careful when gluing the napkin, as the paper is very thin and can tear quickly. But if, nevertheless, tears could not be avoided, carefully connect the torn areas, forming the lines of the intended pattern.

  4. Wait until the glue dries and apply acrylic paint to the bottle as decoration with a sponge. Using this technique you can create snowdrifts, snow on branches, etc.

Felt champagne packaging

If you love felt crafts and are looking for how to package champagne using this material, we will give you a couple of ideas.

You will need:

  • soft felt of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • threads to match the felt;
  • silicone gun;
  • bows.

By stages

  1. Measure a felt rectangle, the height is slightly less than the height of the bottle, and the width is large enough to wrap the bottle and join the edges with a blanket stitch.
  2. Cut out any shapes from contrasting fabric (templates are included), glue them to the rectangle using a gun, forming a pattern that will be located on the front of the bottle. Sew the edges of the figures with a needle and thread using a neat seam, either by hand or on a machine.
  3. Make a champagne case from a rectangular blank and sew it with a decorative overcast stitch.
  4. Tie the finished package with a ribbon on top and that’s it - the question of how to pack a bottle of champagne for the New Year using felt has been resolved.

How to pack champagne and sweets for the New Year

When you want to give not just a beautifully decorated bottle as a gift, but also complement the composition with sweets, many craftswomen create real masterpieces from such combinations. How to beautifully package champagne and sweets? It's not difficult, the main thing is to practice a little.

Using an example, we will show you several options for creating flowers that can then be used to decorate a New Year’s composition.

So, you will need:

  • sweets (preferably wrapped in strong paper so that glue does not get on the sweets). Candies can be anything, depending on the composition. The most popular are round or oval shapes;
  • glue gun;
  • paper for forming flowers, petals, etc.;
  • wooden cocktail sticks;
  • twigs, beads, ribbons, etc. Everything you think is appropriate in your New Year's bouquet.

How to pack champagne and sweets with your own hands step by step:

Option 1

Option 2

You will need:

  • corrugated paper in pink and green colors;
  • golden foil;
  • round candies;
  • wooden cocktail straws;
  • scissors;
  • silicone gun;
  • golden thread.

Step by step packing guide:

You can see a few more flower creation options here

If you don’t like fiddling with flower arrangements, but still wonder how to pack champagne and sweets, then you can simply present them in their original packaging.

There are many ideas for beautifully presenting a New Year's gift and decorating a bottle of champagne in an unusual way. They can be pasted over, decorated and even painted.

And for those who don’t want to put in a lot of effort at all, there are many themed New Year label templates. You can simply print them out and stick them on the bottle.

In general, decorating New Year's champagne is not difficult. The main thing is to want to create the appropriate holiday mood and recharge yourself with New Year's positivity. And then a bottle of traditional sparkling wine will be an excellent decoration for the holiday table or a gift for people close to you. Be creative, get the inspiration you need and be happy in the coming year!

Valeria Zhilyaeva

The problem of choosing a gift is relevant at all times. It is especially difficult to choose a gift for a person who seems to have everything they need. But in such a situation, don’t give away a trinket that will certainly become another dust collector! There is a better idea. If the recipient is not a staunch opponent of alcohol, then you can give him gift wine or accessories for this drink.

There is an opinion that Gift Baskets For wine lovers, the drink itself is a gift that is more appropriate to give to a woman. However, this is a fundamentally wrong belief. Men can also be given aged wines or cognac.

If you give your man wine, choose red. For example, Pinot Noir

Gift package big doesn't matter. When it comes to gifts, men's attention is usually focused on the content rather than the appearance. For this reason, it is a great idea to give a man personalized wine as a gift. He will definitely remember and appreciate such a sign of attention.

The wine can be topped up. Will do aromatic cigar, dark chocolate or candy.

If you find it difficult to choose a good drink, consider a wine set as a gift. They look very elegant and impressive. There are many variations of such sets. They may contain:

  • corkscrew;
  • plugs of different sizes;
  • various clamps;
  • cases;
  • special thermometer;
  • funnel;
  • glasses.

Some wine sets are assembled in a wooden box. You can find unusual options. For example, a box in the shape of a chessboard.

Gift set for wine in a case

Wine as a gift for a woman

A wine gift for a woman should correspond to her taste preferences. For example, not everyone likes sugary drinks. In this case, it is better to stick to a bottle of dry red or white wine.

More expensive does not mean better

This is the golden rule for choosing wine. If a woman is not a specialist or connoisseur of wines, then a gift of fabulous value is unlikely to be appreciated by her. The average price of a decent drink is 1500 rubles.

What kind of wine should you give a woman? Let's divide drinks into categories:

  1. White wines. Drinks from the provinces of Bordeaux, Sancerre and Chablis are suitable. Among the Italian ones are Langhe, Asti and Gavi.
  2. Sparkling wine. A good option is “Crimean” or Spanish Cava.
  3. Champagne. French is best.
  4. Dessert wine. Considered a win-win option. Preferably wines from Sauternes (southern France), Chile, South Africa or Crimea.
  5. Sherry. The best is Spanish sweet sherry.

No need give to a woman port or Madeira. The exception is if she directly made it clear that she prefers these drinks.

Unlike men, for women it is important not only the content, but also the appearance of the gift. Be sure to present wine in gift packaging.

Spanish sparkling wine in gift packaging

The drink can be topped up. For example, it is very original to present basket with wine and fruit For a present. The contents of such a basket depend on the preferences of the gift recipient.

No less relevant is the souvenir gift basket with cheese and wine. In this case, white wine is preferable - cheese is considered the ideal complement to this drink.

Selecting a gift for a winemaker will be easier if you know what stages the process of making wine consists of. It all starts with chopping fruits and berries. This requires crusher or chopper. Such a thing will always come in handy, and you can be sure that the gift will not go unclaimed.

At the second stage, the winemaker needs manual or Hydraulic Press for squeezing juice. This device is necessary for processing large quantities of raw materials in a short period of time.

Besides, winemaker needs:

  • wine decanter;
  • sugar meter;
  • alcohol meter;
  • hydrometer;
  • bottle cappers;
  • storage containers;
  • high-quality corkscrew;
  • wine thermos;
  • cooling stones;
  • aerator;
  • suitcase for carrying wine bottles.

Set of stones for cooling drinks

Let's take a closer look at containers for standing and storage. This is an important and expensive thing, so such a gift will please the recipient if he is passionate about home winemaking.

Suitable as a gift container vintage bottle. The winemaker will be able to store a particularly valuable drink in it. Another great option for a gift - oak barrels self made. This is a necessary attribute of winemaking. It is simply impossible to make some drinks without aging in oak barrels.

Handmade oak barrel

Winemakers with a sense of humor will certainly be delighted with a souvenir or household item that is somehow related to their hobby. What could it be? List possible gifts are:

  • wine scented soap;
  • medicinal cosmetics based on wine;
  • shoes with cork soles;
  • wine cork jewelry;
  • wine grisaille (painting created using different types of drink).

Wine grisaille as a gift

Whatever you choose for a person who is interested in winemaking, he will be pleased to receive a gift on such a close topic. Show the professional a small token of attention in the form of a wine souvenir or a useful item for preparing your favorite drink.

Accessories for wine lovers

What will wine connoisseurs like? Can be presented original bottle holder. The choice of models is now huge. Explore products in the mid-price segment to ensure that the stand is of high quality and does not greatly affect your budget.

Original stand for wine bottles

The top gifts for drink lovers remain all kinds of sets and gifts. wine glasses packaged. The kits usually include all sorts of items needed by winemakers and connoisseurs. Looks original gift set in the form of a bottle of wine. Such a gift will not require separate packaging.

Concerning wine glasses, then here you can show your imagination and present personalized dishes. A beautiful glass with engraving, complemented by a gift case for wine with your favorite drink inside, is an excellent gift option for your boss or hero of the day.

If you need to choose an inexpensive but original accessory, pay attention to wine corkscrew. There are many unusual corkscrews in the shape of people, animals and other design delights.

You can present something for the interior. We have already talked about wine painting above, but the choice does not end there. Great option - themed wall clock or statuette. It will be nice if you add engraving to your gift.

If the recipient of the gift is a beginning winemaker, then a collectible edition of books about winemaking will be a valuable gift for him.

With their help, he will quickly learn this difficult craft and become a professional.

A drink lover will surely appreciate it wine tasting gift certificate. The impressions from this event will remain in the memory of the recipient of the gift for a long time.

How to package wine as a gift?

So, you have decided on the choice of wine as a gift. All that remains is to choose the appropriate packaging. The standard packaging method is gift paper. If you want something more original, then pay attention to gift boxes for wine. Their selection is huge, but wine in a wooden gift box looks most impressive.

Wine in a wooden gift box

Speaking about wooden packaging, it is definitely worth mentioning gift barrels. This presentation design option is the most preferable. Firstly, it is original, and, secondly, it is in barrels that it is customary to store and age wine, so the association with the high quality of the drink is immediately visible.

There are other ways of unusual packaging. For example, you can present two gifts in one– pack a bottle of wine in a beautiful kitchen towel. If the occasion and your relationship with the gift recipient allow, then the bottle can be packed in a sock, and the second can be used as a “gift ribbon” to secure the design on the neck.

A huge scope of imagination opens up for needlewomen. You can make exclusive packaging for wine from anything. Scraps of beautiful fabric, knitted covers, packaging made of silk, satin and felt, as well as many other options are used.

Now you know how to choose good wine and accessories as a gift. You should not give excessively expensive items and drinks. By doing so, you risk putting the gift recipient in an awkward position and feeling obligated. Choose gifts in the mid-price category.

27 November 2018, 17:57

Alcohol continues to be a frequent and quite desirable gift, here are a few ideas on how to make such a gift also original.

Play on the qualities of alcohol, for example, giving young, moderate and mature wine with the wish to enjoy each age and year or stage of life of the company. There is a ready-made set with faces, or you can make your own labels/tags with text for any bottles.

My years are my wealth. The year of birth of the gift recipient - this year's Armagnac, a personalized label in honor of the birth of a child and an offer to open this bottle of whiskey in 18 years with his now adult son, the wine of the year the collaboration began, etc.

Alcohol with a legendary history.

For example, this is the story of Madera: “According to legend, there were barrels of wine in the holds and on the deck of one of the Portuguese ships during the voyage to India. Due to the calm, the ship was stuck for a long time in equatorial latitudes, and the unsold wine had to be taken back to Europe, so it was exposed to high air temperatures and pitching for a long time. At the end of the journey, it significantly changed its initial taste and aroma, acquiring shades of roasted nuts and caramel in its bouquet, thanks to which it became popular all over the world."

Pisco grape vodka. The drink was created in the 16th century by Spanish settlers. Produced in Chile and Peru from muscat grape varieties. The name “pisco” itself, translated from the dialect of the Mapuche Indians, means “flying bird”, and a beautiful legend is associated with its appearance. A team of brave sailors on a boat made of reeds set sail to find the mysterious island "Te Pite o Te Henua", considered the center of the Earth. At first, their search had no result, and when the sailors had already despaired and resigned themselves to their inevitable death, a pisco bird appeared in the sky, which showed the dying people the right path.

Here the wish will be “May the bird of happiness always accompany you!”

Add a themed item or play on a famous phrase, for example, the volume of Omar Khayyam and his famous “Truth in Wine”. “May the truth always be revealed to you!”

Literature. The author's book and his favorite drink. A bottle of rum with Hemingway's book "A Holiday That Is Always With You" because... The author's favorite drink is the Daiquiri cocktail with rum.

Or our customers’ favorite gift “Dandelion Wine” - a Bradbury book with dandelion jam and wine in a box of hay. Dates, events and the future.

For example, for a wedding we came up with the following gift: a box with 3 bottles, which are invited to open on anniversaries and write a forecast for the next year, which is opened along with the bottle. In the case of business, instead of anniversaries there may be the signing of a cooperation agreement, the delivery of the first object and the completion of a project. Play around with the bottle stand.