Christmas tree cat and new. Christmas tree, cat and New Year (illustrated by Maria Pavlova). Christmas tree and a mischievous cat - how to protect the Christmas tree and avoid mayhem

New Year tree and a mischievous cat - how to avoid mayhem? Everything shines, rustles and shimmers. A cat, as a curious creature, will inevitably be interested in all the decorations that will be in your home for the New Year holidays. And if playing with a Christmas ball does not look so dangerous, then eating rain and any other attributes of the New Year can lead to irreversible consequences.

A Christmas tree and a mischievous cat - how to protect the Christmas tree and avoid mayhem?

The first thing you need to do to protect this holiday for your pet is to carefully choose decorations. It is better to buy Christmas tree balls made of plastic, as they are more difficult to break, and it is better to replace the rain with a streamer made of paper, even if it is eaten, it will not damage the mucous membrane of the cat’s esophagus.

The holiday tree itself must stand firmly, otherwise it risks being knocked over, and such cases are not uncommon, as cats try to climb on it. Electrical garlands can be no less dangerous. Therefore, do not leave your cat alone with the lights on.

If you have a furry pet at home, for example, then the Christmas tree is most likely doomed. Cats will not only knock over the Christmas tree, but also break all the toys on it, and also steal and eat some of the tinsel and other decorations. Avoiding such a situation is very important, but difficult. The rules presented below will help solve this problem.

It is important to choose the right tree. You can buy real ones, or you can buy artificial ones. The real one is, of course, more dangerous.

  • Firstly, its sharp needles can damage the cat’s skin;
  • secondly, if the cat decides to chew the branches, it may become poisoned.

It is very important to approach the following questions wisely:

1. Selection of sizes. The smaller the tree, the safer. Together with the Christmas tree, you need to decide what the filler will be (sand or water). He needs to be well looked after. A cat may shit in the sand, or lap at the water, which will again cause it to be sent away.

2. The stand must be very strong and reliable. The safety of not only cats, but also children, if there are any, depends on this. It is also important to provide additional support to the tree from the walls and ceiling.

3. It should be located in the safest place. There should be no cabinets or foreign objects around the tree that would make the cat try to jump from there. If possible, then at night you should close the door to the treasured room so that the cat does not climb the tree unattended.

4. You need to decorate it in the last days. Firstly, the cat will have time to get used to the Christmas tree. Secondly, you don’t have to worry about broken toys.

5. When the time finally comes for decoration, you need to move the cat away. He will imagine hanging toys as a simple game in which he must catch or knock down shiny balls.

Under no circumstances should you tease your cat with toys that will be on the Christmas tree in the future!

It is worth approaching the choice of jewelry as seriously as possible. Some will have to be abandoned completely.

Here are some important tips:

  • Rain is very dangerous for cats, so it will have to be excluded from the list forever.
  • Artificial snow is very toxic and can kill your cat. Therefore, it will have to be crossed out.
  • You can't put real candles on the tree because the cat might hit it, causing it to fall and start a fire.
  • There is no need to hang toys on the tree that were with food or simply have a pleasant smell.

7. The most fragile and expensive toys should be at the top of the tree. This could save them. As a rule, cats manage to climb only to the middle of the tree, after which they are either driven away or they begin to knock down toys already there.

8. Decorations must be secured very tightly. Instead of threads, it is better to use clothespin holders. They are harder to shoot down.

9. Garland is the most dangerous thing for a cat. All wires must be hidden and protected. There is a high probability that the cat will want to chew them, but this will not lead to good things.

10. As additional safety measures, you can use lemon and orange peels, which will scare away the cat. You just need to put them under the tree.

If you follow these simple rules, then there should be no problems with your furry friend and the Christmas tree. If the cat nevertheless climbs up to the Christmas tree, then the spray bottle can seriously help out the owners, even if only temporarily.

Do not forget that the New Year should give pleasant emotions. Therefore, if the tree is overturned, there is no need to be angry with your pet.

Christmas tree and cats

Constantly monitor your cat's health. If you still didn’t check enough and she feasted on the Christmas tree decorations, then you need to urgently take her to the vet.

Here are some signs that may warrant a visit to the clinic:

  • The cat breathes with its mouth open.
  • increased salivation;
  • difficulty defecating (constipation);
  • belly that is swollen or hard to the touch;
  • the cat does not allow you to touch its belly because of the pain;
  • the mucous membrane of the oral cavity took on an unusual color.

And the most important sign: you witnessed the swallowing of jewelry. Immediately after this, pour a tablespoon of Vaseline oil into the cat’s mouth and urgently take it to the doctor.

The New Year's table, which is replete with a variety of dishes, can also be unsafe for the cat. Don’t be afraid to prohibit guests from giving your pet food from the table; the cat’s health is more important. If you doubt that all your friends have an iron psyche, and someone may not resist the charm of a sly little face, then put a plate with your cat’s favorite treat on the table and allow him to treat it only if the food comes from this bowl.

Also, don’t forget to lock the room with the holiday table when you go for a walk, so that your pet doesn’t sneak into food that’s harmful to it.

Among other things, a cat can get used to strong drinks and literally lick a glass until intoxicated. And this can cause serious poisoning, so do not expose your pet to danger.

To take care of your cat’s mental state, make sure that guests do not bother her too much, especially if your pet generally does not tolerate strangers. You can also move her tray and bowl to a separate room and lock her there, then noisy company will definitely not hurt, and the cat can relax.

As for loud sounds, cats are rarely bothered by them, but there are also those who panic from firecrackers rattling outside the window and other lighting effects. To prevent the cat from being so afraid, you can leave it in a room with curtains drawn and where there is a place to hide (an open closet, a house, etc.).

And if your pet crawls into a secluded corner, then do not pull it out of there by force. He will decide when to go out. You can give a sedative, but only the one prescribed by the veterinarian. Sedatives for humans on animals give a completely different, even opposite, effect.

Animals, under severe stress, often strive to leave an environment that seems dangerous to them. And when the house is full of people, they constantly open windows to ventilate the room or enter and leave the apartment, which gives the cat many ways to escape. And you may not even notice it, since everything will happen very quickly. So be careful.

The gods of the red cats, of which I have three at home, would not allow me to pass by this book! And the guardian angel of our blog, the cat Lenya, is simply the spitting image of the Mandarin cat! In connection with the appearance of this book at home, Lenya acquired a new nickname:
“You’re my little Tangerine,” I squeeze Lenya. - Just as sweet and tasty!
“More like Orange,” the husband notes delicately. - Just as round and healthy.
The large square format book is a real album for fans of the artist Maria Pavlova. And I'm a longtime fan of hers! I don’t know a single artist whose drawings of cats would come out so alive; all the smallest nuances in their poses and movements are emphasized. I have a lot of open ones at home, which I brought from St. Petersburg, from Shushenskoye, and it would be very cool if Rech released a set of New Year's cards with Pavlova's cats.
So this is not just an album - it tells a wonderful and kind New Year's story, with a plot and a happy ending. We will not look at the detail and literature of the presentation, but rather tell the essence of the story: a cat named Mandarin lives and lives, large, imposing and lazy. And he doesn’t have much joy in life. When, by chance, a small stray kitten appears in the apartment. The Mandarin takes charge of the kitten and gets used to it. The owner is a miracle! He agrees to keep the baby, he is given a funny name - Serpentine. And the Mandarin cat now has a lot of worries, because he needs to raise a baby :)) This is the plot without tension, nerves and villains.
In general, this New Year I have this book No. 1 :))
Strictly recommended for all cat lovers! And in general, a book can even be given as a postcard))

The mood now is New Year's

Happy New Year to all PCs! I wish everyone what you wish for yourself!

“The Christmas Tree, the Cat and the New Year” is the book I finished reading this year. In total, in 2016 I read 50 books.
I end the year with something New Year's, and start with something Christmas.

1. Christmas fantasy stories.
2. David Gemmell "Wolf's Lair." Still, Gemmell’s books about the Unearthly One are the best. I read voraciously.
3. Astrid Lindren "The Adventures of Emil from Lenneberga". Good children's book. I missed so many good books as a child.
4. Nikolai Rubtsov “My Quiet Homeland”. collection of poems. I liked it very much, but to my shame I did not know this poet.
5. Mythological Animals" series "Discover the World". Also a children's book, but interesting and educational.
6. "Green Ghosts". French Gothic prose." My fascination with the classics of Gothic literature continues.
7. Alexander Mazin "Sovereign". I've been waiting for this book for a long time. Mazin writes many books and many new series and they are all attempts to repeat the success of this series, but they do not turn out so good. I don't read his other historical series, but because of them, this one is moving along slowly.
8. Yulia Fedotova “On the trail of the scorpion.” The second book in the "Mercenaries of Fate" series. Just as good as the first one. I had several complaints about the actions of the heroes, but the main characters themselves do not consider themselves good, so my complaints are not relevant. Everything is great with humor.
9. Maria Semyonova “Brothers. Vol. 1. Secret Warrior” I really wanted to read it. I read it non-stop, but was disappointed. Not because the book is bad, but because I expected more.
10. Teri Pratchet "Make Money." The Von Goodwick series isn't my favorite, but Pratchett's is great.
11. Elena Etelson “Philosophy of a Cup.” I thought that it would be like with all collections of stories, half would like it, half would not. But I was pleasantly surprised, I liked everything, some more, some less.
12. Cormac “McCarthy “No Country for Old Men” One of the most famous books by this author, but I didn’t like it.
13. Dmitry Kolosov "Arias". It seems like there’s a whole book about Ariya, but I can’t tell you much about them. There is little information about them.
14. David Gemmell "Twilight of a Hero." Like other books about the Unearthly, excellent.
15. Olga Grigorieva “Flock”. An attempt to repeat my own success. "Berserk" is one of the author's best books, this is a parody of it.
16. Carol Berg "Exposure". I liked the beginning, but not the end. I'm not sure I'll read the sequel.
17. E. Seton-Thompson “Stories about Animals.” This shameful gap in my reading should have been eliminated long ago.
18. Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man." On May 9th I read something military. Interesting, but creepy in places and this is young adult literature.
19. Max Fry "The whole truth about us." Like everything about Echo is great.
20. Franz Kafka "Castle". I don’t like unfinished books, but I come across them all the time.
21. Alan Bradley "I speak from the tomb." Another great book about Flavia de Luce. I'll keep reading.
22. John Boyton Prostley "June 31st". Average. But now I can watch a movie and not get confused by it.
23. Chris Wooding “Elizabel Cray and the Dark Brotherhood.” I always associate this author with anime. He loves it himself. When I read in my head, it’s like manga or stills from anime.
24. Victor Pelevin “Pineapple Water for a Beautiful Lady” I developed an interest in Pelevin, but with this book it began to subside.
25. Haruki Murakami “Dance, dance, dance.” I was told that the book was not very good, but I really liked it.
26. Akutagawa “Tobacco and the Devil.” I liked the stories, except those on a religious theme.
27. Alan Bradley “Here the dead sleep under the vault.” Usually when many books are published in one series, they get spoiled. I'm glad that didn't happen with this series.
28. Isaac Asimov "History of England. From the Ice Age to the Magna Carta." Asimov is not only an excellent science fiction writer, he also writes wonderful books on history.
29. Valentin Ivanov “Tales of Ancient Years”. An excellent historical book. I enjoyed reading about the life of the Slavs. Only the last few pages are not very good, the author strongly expresses his personal opinion about the Scandinavians.
30. Stories about animals, different authors. This summer at the dacha, the best stories for me were stories about animals.
31. Leo Tolstoy "prisoner of the Caucasus." We were traveling as one boy on a train. He took my phone to play and I took his e-book to read. I chose this work because it is short and I have not read it. I read it on the way. I enjoyed reading the e-book.
32. Mark Levy "Stronger than fear." The ending was disappointing. I don't like empty running around. They did so much, so many people died, and it was all in vain.
33. Terry Pratchet "Feint". Not about a flat world, but still cool.
34. Cliford Simak "The Sinister Crater Tycho". A good fantasy story.
35. Yukio Mishima "The Sailor Who Stopped Loving the Sea." I read it, but was not impressed.
36. Oleg Ivik, Vladimir Klyuchnikov “Guns”. I liked more about the Xiongnu.
37. Holly Lyle "Wolf Diplomacy". I once started reading this book, but gave up too cruelly. But now I’ve taken it up again. Now it doesn’t seem so cruel to me anymore, just the usual Middle Ages. But it has everything I love in fantasy. Magic and weapons, a fighting main character, controversial characters and even sea adventures.
38. En Rice "Vampire Armand". She is my autumn author. I love reading it in the fall. Good book.
39. Franz Kafka "The Trial". I've been wanting to read it for a long time. I wasn't disappointed.
40. Irina Opimakh "Pictorial stories, about great paintings, their creators and heroes." Very interesting. I recommend it to everyone to improve their cultural level.
41. Worthy of all "Poor people". At the dacha I watched the series “Dostoevsky” and wanted to read something from him.
42. Holly Line "Revenge of the Dragons". This book turned out to be even more interesting than the first.
43. Holly Line "Courage of the Falcons" Finished the trilogy. I recommend it to those who love fantasy.
44. Milena Zavoichinskaya "Higher School of Librarians." I am attracted to everything related to books, libraries, etc. But there is little about this in it.
45. Danielle Penak "little prose merchant." This is the third book about Malosen that I’ve read and it’s also great. If you want to read something unusual, this is a good option.
46. ​​Ranson Riggs “The Home for Peculiar Children” I’ve been wanting to read it for a long time, but I kept putting it off. The film's release was rushed. It's a good book, and the photographs in it create a special atmosphere.
47. Vadim Panov "The Hunt for Ermine" a collection of stories about the Secret City. I was worried that other authors would not be able to write as well as Panov, but many turned out to be worthy.
48. Vadim Panov “The Green Gambit” In one breath, like everything about the Secret City. It's a pity, but I always like characters who have problems.
49. Mayakovsky "cloud in pants". Actually I added this piece for good measure.
50. Christmas tree, cat and New Year!