How to make a book with your own hands: step-by-step instructions. How to make a book or notepad out of paper with your own hands A book with your own hands

Are you at home with your child and have nothing to occupy him or her? All the fairy tales have been read, and the cartoons are boring. We need to do something urgently! A DIY clamshell book will be an exciting adventure for both of you.

Children's book about Puss in Boots

Books are useful not only to read, but also to do

If a child is not inclined to active games and prefers quiet fiddling with toys, then the opportunity to do something interesting together with adults will be good entertainment for him. Such tasks are good for developing not obvious, but important qualities in children:

Volume book with fairy tales
  • fine motor skills and manual dexterity;
  • rapid formation of the speech apparatus - in the brain, the centers of motor skills and speech are located nearby and stimulate each other;
  • acquisition of communication and collaboration skills;
  • the ability to focus one's attention on an interesting task.

Fun folding book

IMPORTANT! When the child grows up and goes to school, these skills will help him learn better. He will be less distracted in class, think logically and make the right decisions, and will quickly learn to read aloud expressively and write in beautiful handwriting.

Let's make a book together

The simplest option is a do-it-yourself folding book that folds like an accordion. It consists of pages sequentially fastened with flexible corner joints. To make a folding book you will need:

Multi-colored shiny cardboard
  • thick sheets of cardboard;
  • adhesive tape;
  • scissors, glue;
  • ruler;
  • a cloth for smoothing pictures;
  • text and pictures printed on a color printer.

Self-adhesive film

Think about the contents of the book. It can consist of color pictures, small and simple text that convey the content of your favorite fairy tale. Images should be bright, large and understandable to a child. Type the text on the computer in large letters. Make it with one and a half line spacing and a font size of at least 14. At 4 years old it is still too early to learn to read, but in the future your child will be faster than others to distinguish letters and associate them with certain sounds.

Picture of Turtle
Color animation

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! The content of the pictures can play on the letters of the alphabet and the sounds and words associated with them. This book will be an excellent teaching aid.

It is not at all necessary that the content of a folding book be a fairy tale. Invite your child to draw pictures with paints, pencils or markers. Or look for them in children's books and magazines that have fallen into disrepair.

A book with homemade illustrations
Felt book
Making a flip book

Prepare several identical sheets of thick white cardboard - their number should be equal to the number of planned pages, to which add two more pieces of cardboard for the cover. On the first half of the cover, stick a self-adhesive film and a large picture with an inscription explaining the contents of the book.

White cardboard

On each side of the cardboard, using a ruler and pencil, draw thin lines on the left and right edges, at a distance of up to 15 mm from them. Cut the self-adhesive into strips 16-17 mm wide. Their number should be less than the number of cardboards per unit. Carefully join the edges of the cardboards using self-adhesive tape on both sides.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Instead of self-adhesive tape, you can use regular or foil tape to connect the pages of a folding book.

To prevent the edges of the pages from tearing the film when folded, provide a gap of up to 2 mm between them. To do this, press the edge of the ruler from the front side in the middle of the strip attached to the right edge of the first sheet of cardboard. Place the second cardboard firmly and secure its right edge to it. For reliability, glue the second strip in the same way on the back side of the fold.

Making a book (part 1)

The edges of the cardboard can be covered with narrow strips of the same film, which form neat frames around the contents of the pages.

Making a book (part 2)

If you don't want to make wide strips to hold the pages together, cut out round pieces of adhesive paper and use them to glue the cardboard top and bottom, folding it in half.

Book design (part 3)

To store the book when folded, attach two wide silk ribbons to the center of the back cover. They can be tied in a beautiful bow on the front of the cover.

Ready version of the book

You've made a great base for a flip book. Now you can involve your child in the process of creating a book. Cut the text and pictures into fragments that correspond to the pages. Stick them in order and smooth them with a cloth. Show your imagination and place the second fairy tale on the other side, then the back cover will become the beginning of a new book.

Volume book

ATTENTION! When gluing, do not mix up the pages and teach your child how to use glue and scissors correctly. Make backup copies of pictures and text to replace those that were damaged during cutting.

Baby's first book

How else can you make a book?

If you don't like boring sticky paper, use paper, border tape, or ready-made scrapbooking kits. They include ready-made pictures, beautiful frames and adhesive tapes. Stickers, paper, labels, rubber and silicone stamps, special markers will allow you to expand your arsenal of expressive means.

Scrapbooking kit

There are also a large number of electronic scrapbooking sites on the Internet that offer interesting backgrounds and designs to print. Go to any of them, download and print the image you like. Glue it onto the cardboard before you start pinning the pages together.

Scrapbooking sheets

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Choose sets with a children's theme. Set simple tasks for your child and ask him to help you.

Little artist

A folding book made by a child with his own hands or with your help will be his first work experience and will make his hands more dexterous. In the process of communication, he will acquire useful skills and learn many new words. You will learn to understand children and find a common language with them.

Book of Seasons
A book with a winter tale

Video: Homemade educational folding book with your own hands

Review of 50 original pop-up books for children:

Every child dreams of his own handmade book. An adult should help him with this. This book can serve as a notebook in which your child will draw. And also a book made with your own hands can be a wonderful gift for a loved one or a close best friend.

Well, how do you make such a book yourself? Let's study.

Do-it-yourself small paper book (master class)

To make it you will need:

  • Sheets of white or colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Stapler or needle and thread.

Manufacturing stages:

DIY medium-sized book made from paper at home

One of the options for what the craft might look like.

To make it you will need the same materials as for making a small book.

First you need to decide what you need this book for in order to know how many pages it should have. Know that one page turns into two. Don't forget the cover. It will require colored cardboard.

If you are going to make it for a gift, then it is better to use paper with a beautiful texture.

Don't use lined paper, she doesn't fit.

Let's move on to production:

  • Fold it in half. Fold each page one at a time, not all at once. This is necessary to ensure that the fold lines are straight.
  • Smooth out the fold lines with a hard object.
  • Folded - fold one into one. If there are a lot of them, then fold the pages in blocks: four or two of six).
  • Secure each stack with a stapler. The staples of one stack should not match the staples of another blog. This is necessary so that when connecting them there are no unsightly bulges.
  • Now fold them. All edges must be smooth.

The main part is ready . How to make a binding.

Do-it-yourself book binding (step-by-step master class)

Bindings can be completely different. Its choice depends on the thickness of the product and your desires.

  1. First you need to make a cover. To do this you will need thick colored cardboard. Fold it in half.
  2. If your collection consists of several parts, then they need to be glued together with tape. Cut the tape so that it is longer than your item. Tape it to the front and back pages, half the tape in front and half in the back. Excess tape must be cut off.
  3. Glue it to the product.
  4. There is another way to attach the parts and the cover - this is a ribbon or lace. If you choose this method, then you do not need to fasten them with a stapler and tape.
  5. Put the pieces into it.
  6. Align the edges.
  7. Use a hole punch to make two holes.
  8. Thread a ribbon or string through the holes and tie a beautiful bow.

If you want to make a three-dimensional children's book for a child, then use durable cardboard. Only in this case the child will not be able to tear it.

Coptic binding

Coptic binding- this is the fastest and easiest way to bind pages together. Even a child can do this look, but it will take a lot of time and patience. A thing with it will be a great addition to an office or hotel.

To make it with this binding you will need:

  • Cardboard;
  • Paper;
  • Thick thread and needle;
  • Awl;
  • Ruler;
  • Pencil.

Master class on making Coptic binding:

  1. Fold the sheets in half and stack them into stacks of three sheets.
  2. For each, the fold line must be marked using a pencil with a ruler. Place five dots at equal distances from each other. Pierce them all the way through with an awl. On the rest, you need to put the same points and pierce them too.
  3. We make a cover from cardboard. Fold it in half and place the first part inside.
  4. Now we sew the back and first part. From the inside, insert a needle and thread into the first outer hole. There will be a small tail in the fold. Using the same thread, pick up the cover from the outside and bring the needle between the stack and the cardboard.
  5. Loop the needle around the stitched thread and reinsert it into the first hole.
  6. Tie the tail and thread into a knot and tighten tightly.
  7. The same operation must be done through the second hole. So you need to sew all five holes.
  8. Now place the second block on top of the first and sew it using the same pattern.
  9. The latter will be stitched together with the cover. The needle must be inserted into the outermost hole from the outside and brought out between the stack and the cover. Place the thread around the stitched stitch between the two previous ones and bring it into the outer hole of the last stack, pull the thread inward.
  10. The same operation must be repeated with the adjacent hole. There should be a beautiful braid on the spine.
  11. Fasten the thread in the middle of the fold of the last part
  12. The original book is ready.

To learn how to make a book yourself, watch this video.

Photo gallery

The entire process of creating a hardcover book from scratch at home with your own hands. Photos and descriptions of the process are included.

Each of us once thought about the fact that we do not have the opportunity to read some books not in electronic format, but on paper, which we love so much for its “soul” and “smell”. I decided to make the book "The Republic" by Machiavelli because I am currently reading it. And in Russia it is very difficult to get a paper copy of it.

Choosing a format

First, you'll need to choose a format. I have this A5 and because of this, I encountered a difficulty when trying to find inexpensive paper of this size. It turned out to be difficult. So think about this in advance. Next you need to print the book. In my opinion this is the most difficult thing. You need a laser printer with two-sided printing capabilities. Otherwise you will run into the problems I faced. I spent four long hours with my old inkjet printer, feeding and turning sheets. When printing 300 sheets, I ended up with 50 sheets of scrap.

Don’t forget to match the electronic document with the book to the book format. Number the pages in reverse. Set the margins so that the binding of your future book does not hide part of its text. I was lucky, in my electronic copy of the book almost everything was suitable for printing, except for numbering, margins and some other small points. You may also need to make or redo a table of contents that lists the chapter pages.

Once you've finished printing and checked and double-checked for accuracy and order, you can move on to pre-gluing.


Take your stack of sheets and align the edges by tapping them on the table. Place it on a flat surface and press down whatever is heavy at hand. When leveling, you can tap other books, knocking the sheets into an even block. Place the stack so that it extends 1 cm beyond the table. Then take PVA glue, a brush, and brush thickly along the future spine. It is very important that the sheets lie very evenly, as it will be very difficult to push any of the sheets that have come out back.

After you have coated the spine with glue, you need to press it down for half an hour with something heavy. A clamp is best, but if you don’t have one at hand, you can use dumbbells, jars of pickles, dissertations, and so on.

After half an hour, push the stack of sheets of the future book beyond the edge of the table by 2-3 cm. Now you will need various tools.

  1. Pieces of fabric, preferably chintz. You will need no more than a piece of 50x50 cm, but it is unlikely that anyone will sell you less than a linear meter.
  2. Black ribbon or braid 6-15 cm.
  3. Strong thick thread.
  4. Hacksaw for metal.
  5. PVA glue.

Take a pencil and mark strictly vertical lines every centimeter, less often if possible. Then take a hacksaw and cut the slots. Saw as much as necessary so that the thread goes completely into the sawn groove. For me it's 2 mm.

You cannot use a jigsaw, otherwise the paper will catch fire due to heat.

As a result, you should end up with something like an old physics textbook. I used this small clamp, pictured above, to secure the edges when sawing, so that the leaves would not separate when moving up and down. But you can also hold it with your fingers. Which is more difficult and is fraught with dirty sheets.

Then we take the threads and cut them to the size of the thickness of the book spine, plus 3 cm on each side. For me it is 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm, a total of 9 cm. There were 16 cuts on A5 format. The purpose of the strings is to hold the sheets of the block together.

When the ropes are ready, take the glue and brush the cuts, trying to get the glue deeper. Then take the pre-lubricated ropes and thread them into the grooves, pulling them by the ends so that they are secured deeper. When all the book's strings are in place, we pass glue over them again.

Now is the time for chintz. It will hold not only the strings and pages together, but also connect the block of sheets to the cover. Therefore, it is important to cut it correctly first.

The size of the chintz should be the width of the spine, plus 3-4 cm of margin on each side. And in length, the length of the spine, minus half a centimeter on each side. So, we lay gauze evenly and neatly on the threads coated with glue, and then we pass the glue along the spine along its surface. So that the chintz is thoroughly soaked.

Time for capitals

Kaptalas are a multi-colored ribbon that intrigued us so much in childhood. It is located at the base of the book's spine on each side and looks out at you like threads. And behind it is the unknown.

I have it in black, and I didn’t drip it at all, but just a braid from a fabric store. Real book capital can be bought in online stores and special stationery departments. But I was too lazy to buy it, so I just took the braid.

Cut the braid to the width of the spine. The captal may become pubescent after cutting, as it is made of plastic fabrics. Therefore, to prevent it from unraveling, run a lighter along its edges and stick it on top of the gauze. And also extending half a millimeter beyond the height of the spine. In this way, the captal will be glued to the fabric, with a free area of ​​half a centimeter from the fabric and still extend a little beyond the spine.

Apply another layer of glue on top of all this. Now you will need paper, which you will glue on top of the fabric and part of the captals.

The length is the same as the fabric, the length of the spine is less than half a centimeter on each side. It is needed to smooth out everything that we have done underneath, and also to strengthen the spine itself.

The paper I used was the one in which the A5 sheets were packed. Stick it on and smooth it out. Excess glue may come out along the edges, which must be very carefully wiped off with a damp cloth.

It's time to use weights again. But now leave your unfinished book in a pressed state for 12 hours. Before doing this, you can move the block of sheets to the side so that the spine sticks out only half a centimeter, so everything will stick smoothly. Above is the result of a twelve-hour wait, which exceeded all my expectations. And it will surpass yours too if you wait enough time.

Knife time. Cut the strings that stick out on both sides of the spine of the book. You should try to trim flush so that nothing sticks out. In the end, only gauze remains sticking out.

Endpapers for the block

Now you need to make the endpapers for the block. To do this, use whatman paper. It is best suited for its rigidity and decorative qualities. I used cardboard because I didn't have whatman paper at hand. In my case, to create the endpapers I needed two A4 cardboard sheets, folded in half and trimmed a little. Since it was not possible to fit them close to the spine, due to the not quite evenly cut ropes. After you have cut out and tried on the endpapers, it’s time to glue them on. Apply glue to a strip 2-3 cm wide at the spine on one of the outer sheets of the block, where it is circled in red in the image. And also at the very spine of the endpaper. You apply it and it’s like two additional sheets, but denser. Do the same on the opposite side.

Don't touch the fabric, it has nothing to do with it!

Only the endpaper and the outer sheet of the book block are glued together. Place it all carefully under a press for an hour. The assembly of sheets is now complete.

Making a book cover

Let's move on to the cover. First you need to cut out the base of the cover. Cardboard used in shoe boxes is best suited. The dimensions of the base are the size of a book. In my case A5, plus 8 mm to the width and height. The size of the base for the spine (in the center) is the width equal to the width of the spine (mine is 3 cm), and the height is the same as A5, plus 8 mm, respectively.
Next, we take the material that will be the cover itself. I have this Whatman paper. And we mark before gluing the base of the book cover with the outer material so that everything turns out smoothly when gluing. The margins from the edges are 2-3 cm. They will be folded inside the cover when gluing. The space between the central base and the sides should be at least 8 mm, and preferably 1 cm. This is very important, do not make them too small.
Then we apply glue to the contact side of the base, the contact side of the cover, and carefully, according to the markings, apply them to each other. Now you need to take a knife and cut off the corners so that when you fold the sides, they fit evenly together and cover the base of the cover. Then you begin to fold the edges, carefully smoothing them out. After completion, let it dry for half an hour under a press. You can decorate the cover in different ways. You can paint, stick on the skin, and then squeeze something on it. I took photo paper and printed out the “cover” for later gluing, also with the spine. I glued it after gluing the block of sheets with the cover.


The most important! Gluing time. Take any hardcover book off your shelf and watch how the cover and block interact as they open and close. This will help guide you when gluing.

  1. Take your cover and place a block inside it.
  2. Center it inside, and put marks with a pencil so that you can use them as a guide when gluing.
  3. Then you need to glue one side of the fabric to one side of the cover. The central base of the spine is not involved here. Side base only.
  4. Apply glue to the edge of the base to the size of the gauze. Apply some glue to the gauze and glue them together. This is a labor-intensive process, you will have to work hard. You still have an un-glued endpaper hanging.
  5. After gluing the fabric and aligning it, holding it all with only one hand, you need to apply glue over the glued gauze and the entire part of the book cover. To glue the endpaper and cover the gauze. And also cover the base itself with a flyleaf.

Let's check the process from the opposite side. We check that everything is exactly according to the marks. If everything goes well, then it’s time to press down the book as hard as possible and for as long as possible. Ideally - for a day.

As the night passes, we get this cute example of homemade creativity - a book of our own making. In my opinion, simply excellent quality for the first time. Moreover, I am sure that in a couple of books everything will be even more beautiful and better, because I have already noted many important details that will need to be taken into account.

In general, when working with so much glue and white paper, there is a high probability of getting the book dirty during production. Just be careful and wipe away excess glue with a barely damp cloth. And wash your hands often, wiping them dry.

I painted over the cover. Or maybe this is an exclusive author's cover for Anderson's fairy tales. Making books is not entirely easy, but it is not entirely difficult either. It's an interesting experience. But remember, a book can be not only a source of knowledge, but also a snail, depending on the time.

Project participants have a magic shelf "Weekend with your favorite book" filled not only with rescued books that the children read, played with and sketched in their diaries, but also with books they made with their own hands. Participants share their ideas for creating books with their children of different ages. 6 master classes for every taste, from a folding book to a printed book in several copies, were prepared by passionate mothers. I’m sure you’ll like a few ideas and want to repeat them with your kids.

Folding book “Memo”

Our folding book is called “Memo”.

Manufacturing process:

A long strip of paper was folded like an accordion. The cover was glued on. The title of the book “Memo” was placed on the cover of ready-made letter stickers. The child glued the animals. The book has 2 spreads on one side and one spread on the other side. The size of the finished book was 105x150 mm. Materials used: paper, cardboard, stickers.

There were a lot of ideas for creating a book, but the child doesn’t really like making up fairy tales yet, so we decided to make a reminder. It described the child’s actions during the day, by time of day. The book has three spreads: morning, afternoon, evening.

The morning begins with making the bed, washing, brushing teeth, breakfast, and kissing family members.

During the day we walk, wash our hands after going outside, have lunch, and study. In the evening, I wash my hands, have dinner, put away my toys, read books (although we read books at any time when the desire arises), brush my teeth, bathe and sleep soundly.

The illustrations were selected in accordance with the text, as simple as possible, since my mother drew herself. Although the book turned out to be simple, my son really liked it. We are very inspired and are collecting material for the alphabet!

Starchevsky Svetlana and Andrey 3 years old, Krasnoyarsk

Book with opening windows for little ones

Manufacturing process:

  1. Take sheet A4;
  2. Bend it in half on both sides;
  3. Cut in the middle. The folded half is the page;
  4. In this way we make the required number of pages;
  5. We put all the pages together with the fold outward, and put the last one in reverse - this will be the cover;
  6. We fasten with a stapler.

For us, these were opening windows, where Dasha would stick a suitable animal (ready-made stickers) and read how it spoke. She herself decorated the cover (clippings from magazines). Later we will add pictures to the book, choose a poem for each animal and color everything.

Evgenia Vasilenko and daughter Dasha, 4 years old, Kyiv

Fairy tale "About a miracle"

The process of creating the book took several days. First, Sonya and I came up with and wrote down a fairy tale about a girl Asya.

Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Asya, and she was four years old. For the New Year, Santa Claus brought Asya many gifts: a new doll, a stuffed dog, a beautiful dress with tights and a magic wand.

Asya decided to try a magic wand. At first she wanted a bag of sweets, waved her magic wand, but nothing happened. Then Asya cast a spell: “Cracks, fex, pex! I want a lot of beautiful bows and hairpins!”, but again nothing came of it. “And it’s not magic at all,” Asya was upset and put the wand in a box with old toys.

Meanwhile, the weather outside had worsened. In the middle of winter, everything began to melt, puddles and slush appeared. Returning home from work, Asya's mother got her feet wet and fell ill. She had a fever and a sore throat. Mom was lying in bed, and she felt so bad that she couldn’t even play with Asya.

Then Asya decided to bake a raspberry pie to cure her mother. She took a cookbook and found a recipe, but there was a problem: Asya couldn’t read and didn’t know how much flour, butter, sugar and eggs to put in! Asya was already ready to cry, when she suddenly remembered the magic wand. She ran to her room and found the wand among the old toys.

Then she took the wand and said: “Wand, please help me bake a cake for mom. I really want my mom to get better!” And then the whole stick lit up, sparkled, and everything around - the cookbook, bowl, spoon, whisk, rolling pin - came to life! Together they helped Asya knead and roll out the dough, lay out the filling and put the pie in the oven.

When the pie was baked, Asya took the most delicious piece to her mother with a cup of hot tea. Mom ate the pie and immediately felt better because it was baked with love!

Then I typed the text on the computer, and my husband printed it out at work. The fairy tale is printed on A4 sheets in landscape orientation, so the finished book is A5 in size. The circulation is small - only two pieces. One copy was illustrated by grandfather, and the second by Sophia personally. The covers are made of scrapbooking paper. Books are sewn together using paper clips.

Olga Silina with her daughter Sofia Nefedova 4.5 years old, Moscow

A book about the adventures of Ant and Grasshopper

We made a book to add to our magical bookshelf.

Mikhail is 6 years old and he composed his own adventures. After the experience with Khrustik, I decided not to interfere at all in the process of creating the author’s book and only wrote down his thoughts, sometimes I only helped with the active use of the dictionary, that is, in the selection of synonyms and adjectives. It turned out unusual and I patiently wrote it down.

The Adventures of the Ant and the Grasshopper

Winter in the forest. The grasshopper and the ant are sleeping in their houses.

With the onset of spring, they wake up and go towards each other, as they miss each other very much after the winter. When they meet, they are very happy and go to play fun games in the forest, in the clearing.

Tired of the mess in your nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?

And when summer came, Ant’s old friend, the Scientist Beetle, came to see him for his birthday and told them that he knew the bird Lila, which flies high, above the clouds, and she knows that far beyond the forest there is a high mountain on which the magic Dragon lives.

Two friends decided to go on a hike to meet the Dragon. As it became known, he breathes magical fire and that fire grants as many as 18 wishes! Friends have prepared gifts for him: a golden ring with a wolf's claw, a basket of wild berries and a fabulous flower in the shape of a bell, the pollen of which lifts the mood and tells fairy tales.

The Grasshopper and the Ant walked for a long time through the forest, spent the night in a cave, reached a waterfall, went down on a boat made of sticks, swam in the lake, came out into a clearing and noticed an unusual flower with purple leaves. They had never seen anything like this anywhere. Lifting the petals, the friends noticed a magic wand and a boulder stone with a hole. They “stuck” it there, the stick began to fall asleep and it turned into a lever.

The grasshopper suggested pressing the wand, and immediately after this action a mountain appeared in front of them, on the top of which the Dragon's castle appeared.

The Ant and the Grasshopper began to climb up to the castle, entered it and found a very sad Dragon sitting in a chair.

The dragon was surprised by the arrival of unusual and unexpected guests. He had never encountered such creatures before. They got to talking and the Dragon said that he was very lonely, no one was friends with him. Everyone thinks he is evil and bad. But in fact, he loves to do good deeds and help.

Speaking about good deeds, the Ant and the Grasshopper remembered the gifts and handed them to the dragon. He really liked them. The dragon invited his new acquaintances to drink tea with a cake made from milk clouds, and decorated it with donated berries. They had a lot of fun and interesting time together, but it was time to say goodbye and go back. The friends agreed that they would meet again and would now play together and visit each other.

We then gave our older sister (13 years old) our manuscript to illustrate. Thus, she received the task, and dad was sent to correct stylistic errors. (But I asked him not to judge too much and not to change Misha’s “style” in order to preserve his language). After all the events, I received everything prepared for layout. I printed it, added illustrations (my daughter sketched them from the Internet) and printed them out.

Next, Mikhail and I assembled the book, glued it together, chose the cover and fastening details. We ended up with a half A4 book (I printed it in two columns). At first they wanted a hard cover, and then Misha saw the felt and wanted a soft cover as well. The result is a double cover, felt on the outside, thick cardboard on the inside. The pages themselves are glued together, the cover and book are connected with a decorative cord.

We really liked the process, which we slowly stretched out over three days, creating it in the evenings. Now our book takes its rightful place on the magic shelf and Misha treats it very carefully and with pride.

Svetlana Radionova and son Mikhail, 7 years old, St. Petersburg.

Stitched book with poems

This is not the first time we have made a book. We usually use different techniques. This time we decided to sew a book. But first things first.

The first thing Jaromir did was write a story. This is what happened:

One Fox attempted to kill the Hedgehog.
He is lying in his grass,
Curled up like a ball.
And Lisa saw a fungus,
She walked towards him and stepped on the Hedgehog.
She howled loudly.
I pinched my paw.
Hedgehog quickly - to the river,
and to the other shore that is in the distance...
But Lisa couldn’t catch up.
She sat down and cried...
And darkness fell into the woods...

At the same time, they repeated what a rhyme is and how to compose it.

Then my son, with some help from me, typed the text on the computer and printed it out.

Then we picked up the pictures. We looked through Jaromir’s works and chose the ones that suited them: a fox, a hedgehog, fungi, a copse with a windbreak, we even found a picture of a hedgehog swimming. We scanned them, reduced them to the required size and printed them on a color printer.

Once the content was selected, production of the book itself began. The notebook was made from ordinary A4 sheets, folded in half - the result was A5 format.

We added a cardboard cover - we cut it a little larger to fit the sheets themselves. Then the whole thing was stitched with thread. Thus, the book was almost ready. All that remains is to design the cover. We chose green fleece for the cover. We cut out a piece of fabric for the cover with an allowance of 1.5 cm. We cut off the corners, folded them and glued them to the cardboard cover with double-sided tape. Then they sewed a paper nameplate with the title of the book and the name of the author onto the front cover. And they glued to the back of the cover the free sheets of the book block specially left for this purpose. The cover is durable and at the same time soft and pleasant to the touch.

The book is ready. All that remains is to fill it. Jaromir cut out pictures and lines from the poem from the printouts. I arranged them on the pages of the book and glued them with a glue stick.

The process turned out to be quite labor-intensive, considering that the child either did everything himself or actively helped. But the result pleased the child. Jaromir was proud of his creation. I looked at her for a long time myself. And then I happily ran to show the book to my dad.

Anastasia Kalinkova and Jaromir 4 years old, St. Petersburg.

Book about a hedgehog

We decided to make a book about a hedgehog who picked apples. Since our kids are small, I used cardboard and glued it with paper. I made holes with scissors and wove a braid of thread to fasten the pages of the book.

Then they pasted pictures that the kids painted, and mom wrote the text. The most difficult thing was writing with a pencil on cardboard; I had to press hard on the pencil. The book is not finished yet, in the evening the boys will help finish drawing and pasting the pictures.

Making the book took about 4 hours, but I first thought about what materials we would use and where to get the pictures. We used some of the pictures that the child made in kindergarten. I found suitable pictures for coloring from the available ones. I usually print 9 pages per sheet, which results in a convenient format. The text was already invented for the pictures.

I liked the process of making the book, and children like to read such a book. And why haven't we made books like this before? We will definitely repeat.

Oksana Demidova, Fedya 4 years old and Anya 1.3 years old, St. Petersburg.

And now options for the little ones! Even kids can create a book with the fairy tale “Teremok”. This is how the participants of “Fairytale Kaleidoscope” did it in one of the creative tasks.

Fairy tale book "Teremok"

We decided to make a book based on the fairy tale “Teremok”, because... she's one of my favorites. The tower itself is a house made of bricks (price tags), a roof (a triangle made of colored paper) and a fence (made of matches).

The pages were designed in different ways - pencil drawings (the forest where Masha got lost), appliqué (the bear's house), clippings from magazines, the Internet (Masha and the Bear, tree stump) and even from an oatmeal box (to show what kind of porridge Masha prepared for Bear). Words were written on some pages because... My daughter is already very interested in letters, we are looking for the letter A in words.

Most of all, my daughter likes the portraits of her grandfather and woman at the beginning of the book; she laughs and closes and opens the page many times.

Anna Popova and daughter Euphrosinia, 1 year, 7 months, St. Petersburg.

Do you make your own books with your children? Tell us in the comments!

So, comrades, I haven’t been here for a long time, and now I’m here. But not in order to tell boring stories about everyday life, but in order to post daily photographs of the process of making one small cute gift. For those who remember the post about the boat in the light bulb - this time I did not forget about the camera and filmed the entire process, from beginning to end.

How it all started. Climbing around the expanses of a cozy VK, I discovered on the wall of one of the communities a post about the creation of just such a keychain book. However, the message contained only 5 photos and not much more than lines of text with explanations. However, I liked the idea itself, and I decided to make the same thing, but photographing the process in more detail.

Below the cut is a photo of the manufacturing process with comments:

In total we will need:

  • a couple of sheets of office paper
  • some thick cardboard
  • needle and thread
  • some decorative paper
  • paper glue
  • stationery (knife, scissors/blade, etc.)
  • tools (pliers, hammer, dowel/bearing)
  • rivet
  • keychain
  • chains and other accessories to taste

So. The size of one page of the future booklet was determined to be 2.5 cm by 3.5 cm. One sheet for stitching (two pages) - 5cm by 3.5cm

(If it’s hard to see, open the pictures in separate tabs, they are larger than they seem: “D Or use the link to the photo archive at the end of the post, where they are full-size 4320x3240px)

Take a couple of sheets of regular office printer paper and line them.

We cut it and get tiny leaves. For myself, I decided to use 36 pieces, but in general this is not important. The number of sheets will determine only the thickness of the future book.

Fold the leaves in half and group them into 3 pieces:

If desired, the protruding edges of the inner sheets can be trimmed with a blade or nail scissors.

We collect triplets of sheets into one bundle, with the spines together, of course. Then use a razor blade or a utility knife to cut holes for the stitching. Try to keep everything as neat as possible at this stage:

We take a needle and thread in our hands and go ahead - sew the pages together. How exactly this is done - I cannot explain in words. Just sew the first three to the second, then the second to the third, etc., stitching each of them:

At this stage, the resulting book consists of 72 leaves or 144 pages! Tie a knot to keep the pages from falling apart and set them aside, it's time for the cover.

We find thick cardboard, you can tear open the old packaging from the parcel or something else. We make markings on the cardboard, but with an allowance. Remember that the pages of the final book are 25mm by 35mm? So, the cover of books is usually slightly larger than the pages. Therefore, for the cover we mark out rectangles a couple of millimeters larger in all directions, a matter of taste:

It's time for the cover itself, namely the “face” of the book. Take packaging/decorative/any other beautiful paper and make markings on it. Please pay attention to two things: 1) you need to leave a little space between the pieces of cardboard, otherwise the book will not be able to close; 2) the “ears” that we will bend and glue do not touch the corners of the cardboard, we need to leave a couple of millimeters there so that after wrapping the ears in the corners of the cover we do not have holes through which the cardboard itself would be visible:

It's time to put down the office supplies and pick up the hammer. No, not because you are already sick of everything :)

If we are making a book - a keychain, then we will need a hole for fastening. However, it would be unwise to simply make a hole in the cardboard - during the process of using the keychain for its intended purpose, the cardboard will easily break through and the chain will fall off. That's why we need a rivet.

Using an awl, we make a hole in the spine, insert a pre-prepared rivet there and flatten it. I used a small dowel to initially expand the rivet, and a ball bearing to flatten it. It is convenient to knock on it, and it will gently and evenly flatten the rivet. Don’t forget that the cover of the book also needs to be “riveted” together with the cardboard spine:

We insert the ring into the resulting hole and begin to assemble the book together. You need to glue cardboard to the first and last leaves of our book. Attention! - do not glue the cover to the cardboard, this will prevent the book from opening and closing freely. After the cardboard sticks properly to the pages of the book, it can be “wrapped” in the cover. You only need to glue the ears of the cover. Since we glued the first and last sheets together with cardboard and wrapping paper, the final book will have exactly 140 pages left. I didn’t take intermediate photos, because while working with glue there was no time to be distracted by the camera. However, the end result is this:

We're at the finish line! All that remains is to add attributes. (“salt and spices to taste”). We attach one chain, a second chain, the keychain itself - and voila!

That's all. You can open the book and write all sorts of secrets there :)