How to make a composition of dried flowers with your own hands. Applique paintings from dried flowers (42 photos) Beautiful bouquets of dried flowers with your own hands

Now many amateurs and professionals are engaged in dried flowers. There are special schools for drying plants and making compositions from them. Dry bouquets can last a year or two, and a painting made from the leaves of dried flowers can last five or six years.

We also bring to your attention a master class on making mats from dried flowers. It is also customary now to include medicinal herbs in compositions, for example, yarrow, sorrel, mint - these herbs will help against the flu, they will purify the air in the room and prevent the spread of bacteria. It is these properties that are used in the manufacture of aromatic sachets from dried flowers and medicinal herbs.

All dried flowers are popularly called “immortelle” for their properties of retaining their color for a long time after drying.

But there is also a separate flower with the same name. There are many types of “cultivated” dried flowers, including the well-known helichrysums.

Wild or decorative flowers are harvested in summer and autumn. When harvesting, you should not pick wildflowers with your hands, since many of them are perennial. “Cultivated” dried flowers are also best cut with scissors. Then tie them into small bundles and hang them upside down in a dry room. If you are in a village or country house, then hang flowers in the attic. In the city you can do it in the kitchen.

Some dried flowers:

Immortal or Helechrysum It comes in a variety of colors: yellow, orange, red, white. You need to cut them in buds or half-bloomed.

Gypsophila or kemrek are highly valued by decorators for their delicacy and airiness. Cut them off when all the small flowers have fully bloomed.

Lunaria (moon)— for the composition they use the transparent partitions of the seed pod with a mother-of-pearl tint, similar to silver coins.

Decorative bow- small and large purple balls. To give them a more decorative appearance, the stem is cut off and a wire is inserted into its remaining tip.

Ball-headed moraine has dark blue inflorescences. Cut them off when two or three inflorescences bloom.

Rogoz cut off when it begins to turn brown. After a few days it turns brown.

Eryngium flatifolia attracts attention with its spiny stipules.

Double yarrow (pearl oyster) white, which is cut at the end of flowering.

Physalis cut after they acquire a bright orange color. When drying, you can hang them upside down or upside down.

Mane Barley It is very decorative, its spikelets resemble feather grass. They are cut at the very beginning of flowering and immediately wrapped in paper and stored in this form.

You can cut them at any time of the year; each plucked leaf in the forest is placed between sheets of newsprint, which are rolled up and stored in this form. With this material you can create any composition.

A composition, unlike a simple bouquet, can include branches, roots, fruits, cones, and any natural materials. Dried flower fantasies come in autumn, winter and spring. In the summer, material is prepared.

For example, for winter compositions, dried plants with bright large fruits are used - eryngium, Echinops, and pile cone. The shoots of hogweed look very impressive, some umbrellas of which reach impressive sizes. It grows near the roads. During the flowering period, touching it can cause skin burns. So use gloves.

To make the hogweed shoots look more beautiful, you can tint them a little. An interesting composition can be made from ears of rye, wheat, and barley. If all the grains are dried and tied in small sheaves, mounted on one canvas, you will get a decorative wall panel. Recently they began to include artificial flowers in compositions, which creates a beautiful combination.

But the most interesting thing is that in some countries dried flowers are so highly valued that they even make artificial dried flowers. If previously not many flowers were used for composition, now phytodesigners have about two hundred species of plants at their disposal. Their number is increasing every year. Drying flowers is a whole science with its own rules. We will introduce you to some of them.

Flowers can be dried not only in air, but pads can be made from moisture-absorbing substances. Previously, flowers were dried with semolina - it was poured into the base of the flower. However, semolina is heavy, and it is not always dry enough. You can also make a drying pad from cotton wool - lay each leaf with small cakes.

Some plants can be dried in the microwave. Not necessarily at low temperatures. The oven quickly gains heat, moisture comes out of the flowers at lightning speed. Plants removed from the oven are very fragile and must be handled with care. Until they pick up some moisture from the air, it is better not to touch them.

And one more way of drying flowers: flat flowers like chamomile are dried in clean, fine, dry sand. It is poured in a layer of two centimeters. The stem of the flower needs to be cut and a wire inserted into the base. With its help you can create an unusual flower shape. Then you need to lower it head down into the sand and carefully cover it with a spoon.

Leave it in the sand for four days. Dry on a hot, dry day. Three-dimensional flowers - roses, peonies - are dried a little differently. They have a wire inserted into the stem, but they are dried with their heads up, and the flowers are carefully covered with sand.

Leave it like this for twelve days. Branches of bushes and trees can be glycerinized, then they last a long time and look very beautiful. Take two thirds of water to one third of a glycerin solution, and place a flower or branch in this solution for seven to eight days.

The main principle of any composition: it should have a bright center. From dry, as well as from fresh, flowers, you can create any composition: triangular, oval, crescent-shaped.

The main thing is patience, desire and imagination. It is not for nothing that in winter they try not to place artificial flowers in beautiful interiors, but use exquisite, bright dried flowers. If you decide to compose a composition, then first of all determine its purpose. It can be tabletop, wall-mounted or floor-mounted. Wall panels made of dried flowers look elegant.

The latter is usually installed in large halls. Medium or large sized flowing bouquets are suitable for a cabinet or shelf, depending on the height of the room, and a mini-bouquet is suitable for a shelf inside a sideboard. A dry wreath is appropriate for decorating an icon. The front room and kitchen are usually decorated with tabletop compositions, which are created on wickerwork, on “braids” of herbs and bast, on driftwood or on foam plastic.

Once you have determined the location and size of the composition, proceed to selecting a vase and material. Be sure to pay attention to the color of the walls so that the composition fits harmoniously into your interior. Polystyrene foam is used for the base of dried flower compositions. Attach it to a flat vase with adhesive tape, and tie it to a basket or driftwood with a string. The foam will look better if it is tinted with green or brown gouache; if the plants have thin stems, pierce the foam with an awl or needle.

For dry compositions you can use wall baskets. Now a new product has appeared - at special exhibitions you can purchase a special sponge, “oasis” or feoflora. It is used as a foundation and “soil” for an arrangement composition.

It is intended for both compositions of dried flowers and fresh flowers. Compositions look most impressive when the tallest plant is 1-1.5 times the size of a tall vase, counting from its neck, or 1-1.5 times the diameter of a flat vase. From a small amount of dried flowers and leaves you can make linear, silhouette compositions that look like subtle graphics against a light background. Volumetric compositions require a large amount of material.

The upper part of the bouquet is made from plants of lighter colors and smaller in size. Dark and large flowers are located at the bottom of the bouquet. As we have already noted, it is especially important to highlight a spot of color in a bouquet or a flower or bunch of flowers that is original in shape.

All other plants should strengthen the compositional center. If the bouquet has a vertical shape, then the compositional center should be slightly above or slightly below the middle of the bouquet, and in a horizontal shape - slightly to the left or slightly to the right of the middle. Red color harmonizes with white and yellow. Orange and yellow colors are combined with blue, blue, and violet. White color enhances all other colors.

Good luck to you, lovers of the delicate, exquisite beauty of dried flowers!

A dried flower is a plant that has been dried and preserved. In fact, any flower can be a dried flower, but it should be kept in mind that not all plants retain their shape and color well after drying. Many plants break very easily when dry and require exceptionally careful handling. Unfortunately, the lifespan of dried flowers and dried flower arrangements is limited. Professionally made bouquets, crafts, paintings and other compositions made from dried flowers can last for several years, but homemade ones, created with your own hands, usually stay at home until the next season.

What types of dried flowers are there?

Florists in their original decorative compositions use a variety of parts of dry plants: flowers, stems, leaves, fruits, seed heads, seeds themselves and even roots. Vegetables, fruits, bark, moss, mushrooms and driftwood are also used. All these materials can be designed into spectacular original decorations.

If you add fragrant plants to the composition (lavender, cinnamon, cloves, etc.), the room will be filled with an exquisite aroma.

How to make dried flowers: collecting and drying

Flowers and plants intended for drying should be collected late in the morning on a dry day. For decorative compositions of dried flowers, it is better to choose the most beautiful, fresh and undamaged plants. Flowers in blue, purple, pink and orange colors retain their color best after drying. Red flowers acquire a darker shade, light ones turn yellow.

Air drying plants

This is the easiest and most natural way to dry flowers. Place larger plants or desired plant parts in a single layer in a dry, dark, well-ventilated area. This option is suitable, for example, for ornamental grasses, yarrow, roses, peony, hellebore, large sedum.

Smaller plants or parts thereof can be loosely tied into small bundles and dried by hanging them upside down. This is suitable for lavender, spray chrysanthemums, many aromatic herbs and spices. Such bunches of aromatic herbs and flowers look especially good in kitchens decorated in a rustic style.

Some plants (usually plants with hard stems and elastic inflorescences) can be dried directly as a finished composition. This is even better, because this option eliminates unnecessary manipulations with already dried flowers and their damage. This is suitable for limonium, cattail (which many people mistakenly call bulrush), bristle grass (ornamental millet) and other ornamental grasses.

Intensive drying of plants in gel and in the microwave

Some plants can be dried in the microwave. This certainly saves time, but great care is required so as not to dry out or destroy the delicate buds. Turn on the microwave for a few seconds and check the condition of the plants.

You can use a special gel to dry plants silica(probably this is the same one that absorbs moisture from the environment). The gel is poured into a flat sealed container (for example, a cookie jar), then the buds are carefully placed in it, which are carefully covered with gel on all sides and on top, between the straightened petals. The gel allows the buds to dry without changing shape. The condition of the buds should be checked every day, since the gel can easily dry out and destroy the plants. After a few days, the dried flowers are ready. To speed up the drying of flowers in the gel, you can put the buds placed in a non-metallic container in the microwave for 1 minute, then let the container cool completely for half an hour. If the buds are not dry, then repeat the procedure.

Bouquet of dried flowers

The simplest decorative composition that anyone can create is a bouquet of dried flowers. It is important to choose plants of different heights, volumes, colors and textures so that they harmoniously complement each other. If the bouquet requires fixing, then dry flowers can be fixed with melted wax (the entire lower part of the stems is dipped into it, “gluing” them together). Many small flowers in a bouquet are sprayed on all sides with hairspray so that they do not fall off (heather, Erica, lavender, gypsophila, etc.).

Fragrant potpourri of dried flowers

Name medley comes from the French word potpourri and means assorted To create a fragrant potpourri, collect your favorite beautiful and fragrant plants and carefully dry them. Then place them in a tightly closed jar and let them brew in a dark place for a couple of weeks. When the potpourri is ready, pour it into a beautiful flat vase and place it in your bedroom, bathroom or living room. You can prolong the aroma of potpourri with a couple of drops of the appropriate essential oil. The options for potpourri gatherings are endless.

Sachets (bags) with fragrant herbs

Place dried leaves and flowers of aromatic plants in small ready-made or homemade bags. Such bags are best made from thin fabric (organza, cotton poplin, gauze, ornamental silk, etc.). Tie the bags at the top to prevent dried flowers from spilling out. Such fragrant bags, or sachets from the French word sachet) are great to hang in your linen closet, rearrange woollens on shelves, or toss a couple into your suitcase while traveling. Lavender, rosemary, oregano, and mint are well suited for fragrant sachets. It is believed that bags of dried Santonella (also called cotton lavender) or dry orange peels protect things from moths.

There are flowers that retain their shape and color for a long time. These plants belong to different families, but have a common name - dried flowers. Dried flowers are used to make bouquets and wonderful compositions. An autumn bouquet of dried flowers will fill the space with aromas and will delight you with its beauty for a long time.

The art of making bouquets and flower arrangements, that is, floristry, is a whole science that anyone can master with patience and perseverance.

The art of floristry

Keeping flowers and plants in your home began in Ancient Egypt, where flower crowns and garlands were traditionally worn. When burying noble people, the tombs were decorated with flower arrangements.

France is considered the birthplace of dry bouquets. Initially, such bouquets were used to scent rooms, and from the 15th century they became a fashionable interior element. Dried flowers decorated the clothes of fashionistas of that time.

In modern schools, floristry is taught how to correctly and beautifully compose compositions, cut and dry plants so that they do not lose their shape and color. They study various techniques for creating paintings and collages, and the rules for making bouquets for various events.

Floristry can be a very interesting hobby and develop creative abilities. After all, flower arrangements are not always arranged according to the rules. Each person has his own ideas about beauty and his own artistic tastes. You can do floristry yourself, using educational videos, books and acquiring the necessary tools. Communication with nature will improve your state of mind and bring aesthetic pleasure.

Popular types of dried flowers

A dried flower is a dried plant that has retained its original appearance. But many dry plants break down quickly and require careful handling. Knowing which types to choose, you can make compositions with a long shelf life.

For decorative purposes, different parts of dry plants are used: stems, flowers, fruits, seeds, roots. Sometimes materials such as moss, bark, mushrooms, and small driftwood are used to create original compositions.

List of plants most convenient for use:

Dry bouquets are often complemented with thorny plants: Echinops, eryngium, teasel. Cereals become a beautiful element of flower arrangements: corn, haretail (lagurus), millet, maned barley, anthoxanthus, polypogon, miscanthus.

Lavender and herbs are often used for fragrant bouquets: lemon balm, hyssop, lofant. Brave florists even add spices in the form of cinnamon and cloves.

Professional florists, using modern processing methods, began to use more capricious types of dried flowers for floristry:

  • amaranth;
  • clematis;
  • astilbe;
  • nigella;
  • echinacea;
  • liatris;
  • Evening primrose.

Many dried flowers are unpretentious plants that are resistant to temperature changes and drought. They need to be allocated a small, well-lit area and there will be no special care for them. It is not necessary to grow plants in the garden - you can find wonderful specimens among the wildflowers.

Drying and storing material

Dried flowers are collected depending on their growth phase. To collect flowers, a flowering phase is needed, to collect fruits and seed pods, a phase at the end of the growing season. It is better to harvest plants in the first half of the day in dry weather. It is necessary to pick undamaged, fresh and beautiful specimens along with a long stem to make it more convenient to dry the flowers.

Long-term observations show that some plants tend to change their color after drying. Purple, pink, orange and blue plants retain their natural color better. The rest may take on a different shade after drying.

Air drying

The simplest and most natural way is to air dry the plants in a shaded, ventilated place.

Small dried flowers are tied into small bunches and hung with their heads down. Plants with large inflorescences and ornamental grasses are laid out on paper in one layer. These multi-colored bunches can also be used to decorate a country house interior or a kitchen in a rustic style. The material intended for the manufacture of panels and paintings must be dried on a board, given the desired shape and secured. Or use the herbarium drying method.

Plants with elastic inflorescences and rigid stems can be used fresh to make compositions and then allowed to dry. These are limonium, bristle grass (ornamental millet), cattail (reed) and some other cereals.

Silica gel drying method

Large flowers are placed in an airtight container with gel and covered with another layer of gel. To avoid drying out the plants, you need to check their condition daily. This drying takes no more than 2-3 days.

How to dry in the microwave

Microwave drying is a convenient way to quickly dry tough buds. But great care is needed here: the microwave should be turned on for a few seconds and constantly looked into it so that the delicate flowers do not collapse.

How to store dried flowers

To fix the shape, dried plants are coated with varnish or a special fixative. If necessary, dried flowers are tinted. Store in a cardboard box in a dry place.

Dried flower decorations

Not all amateur flower growers know how to decorate their home interior with dried flowers. From all the variety of flower arrangements the following can be distinguished:

Dry bouquet in a beautiful decorative vase. It seems very simple to make. But you need to know some of the subtleties of the process. Choose a vase that matches the main tones of the bouquet. For example, bright ceramics are perfect for a multi-color bouquet. Plants for a harmonious bouquet should be of different heights, volumes and colors. Small flowers can be sprayed with hairspray to prevent them from falling off. Then the stems with inflorescences are tied into separate bundles with a special ribbon, and from these elements a common bouquet is assembled, which is also tied.

From tall plants (reeds, feather grass, lunaria, rowan branches) you can make a beautiful large bouquet in a floor vase. A small bouquet in a clay pot with a flirty bow tied will create a romantic mood. Making a bouquet is a creative process in which there are no required templates. A dry bouquet can be a wonderful gift for a loved one.

Pictures in the form of appliques are first made on thick paper or plastic, the composition is fixed with glue, and then placed under a glass photo frame. In complex three-dimensional paintings, dried flowers with a preserved shape are used. A simple wall herbarium will perfectly decorate the hallway.

To make a panel, you first need to make a ring-shaped base from flexible rods, and then fasten the dried flowers according to the chosen pattern or relying on your taste. The decorative product is perfect for the kitchen interior.

Author's crafts depend on imagination and creativity. Topiary is a very popular tree of happiness. Bouquets of immortelle flowers in a wicker cone will become original bells that can be hung in any room.

A wicker basket, which is filled with a floral sponge as a base for attaching dried flowers, is well suited for making compositions. Mask the sponge with moss and add small spruce cones or halves of acorns. If desired, the flowers can be replaced with fresh ones in the future. Sometimes gypsum or sand is used for the base.

Look very good wreaths of dried flowers on the wall or door. They take up little space and fill the room with a magical aura. The hoop is made from flexible willow and other rods or wire. Unnatural material should be disguised with tightly woven threads.

Fragrant potpourri. Translated from French it means assorted. To create it, aromatic plants are dried, then placed in a tightly closed container and kept in a dark place for up to two weeks. The finished potpourri is poured into a beautiful wide vase and placed in one of the rooms. A few drops of floral essential oil will prolong its aroma.

Sachets (bags) with aromatic herbs. Dried aromatic plants (rosemary, lavender, mint, oregano) should be placed in small bags made of thin fabric and tied tightly. These fragrant sachets can be used to arrange things on shelves or hang them in a closet.

Dried flowers in human life

There are different opinions about the influence of dried flowers on human life. For example, the philosophy of Feng Shui has an extremely negative attitude towards the presence of dry plants in the house, considering them dead.

But dry plants used to be alive and full of energy, which was partially preserved in them. Bouquets of dried flowers create a special good atmosphere in the house and lift your spirits. It is not for nothing that in ancient times, bunches of dried plants hung in the houses of ordinary people. If you keep dried flowers together with live ones, they will balance and maintain a favorable atmosphere in the house.

A dry bouquet cannot be rearranged so that its strength does not weaken. It is not recommended to use plants painted with bright synthetic paints, as there is no benefit from them. Only natural dyes are allowed.

If the bouquet begins to turn pale and lose its appearance, you must definitely get rid of it. But bouquets associated with a pleasant event can be stored for a long time, as they become a kind of amulet for family members.

No matter how much we love summer, this wonderful time of year is quickly ending. And with the arrival of autumn, I want more and more to return to the season of flowering and fragrant plants.

But can this beauty be magically transported from summer to autumn and winter? It turns out, yes, and florists will help with this, creating beautiful compositions from dried flowers.

Bouquets of dried plants will not only decorate your home, they will fill it with summer warmth and a delicate, unique aroma.

However, there are people who, believing in folk signs and superstitions, believe that dried flowers cannot be stored in an apartment or house. But is this really so? And is it possible to keep dried flowers at home? Let's try to figure it out.

Dried flowers and the possibility of storing them at home

Many amateur flower growers have long been divided into two opposing camps. One of them believes that it is good and useful to keep dried flowers in the interior, while the other gives arguments against them, explaining why you can’t keep dried flowers at home.

But what is the reality like? Are dried flowers in the house good or bad? Professional florists help you find the answers. But let's start, first of all, with the main definition.

So, dried flowers are plants that do not lose their visual appeal during the drying process, from which it is possible to create decorative compositions in the future.

This dried plant material can be used as decoration in the following cases:

  1. When dried naturally without strong chemical treatment;
  2. When a person does not have an allergy;
  3. If the composition is not poisonous and safe for children and animals as well;
  4. If the plants do not harm interior items;
  5. When, after drying, plants do not become areas of rotting.

In all other cases, dried flowers bring benefits, including aesthetic satisfaction and creating a cozy homely atmosphere.

Therefore, the answer to the question: is it possible to store dried flowers at home? - Definitely yes. This should not be done only if it directly harms your health.

Completely dried flowers and all the processes associated with them are dealt with by florists in a separate section, which has recently been called dried flower floristry.

Dried flower arranging

Dried flower arranging is a floristic art direction associated with the creation of dry compositions, including for giving and decorating premises.

Dry bouquets differ from live bouquets in that they are more fragile, but do not require water and can be stored for a long time.

To create dry compositions in dried flower arranging, craftsmen adhere to the following steps:

  1. The collection of material is carried out during maximum stability of the culture. The harvesting schedule for creating dried flowers is different for each plant;
  2. The collected plant material is subjected to a drying process. There are several drying methods that are applied to different compositions;
  3. They choose the type of composition and select a combination of plants with each other, based on the catalog;
  4. Dried plants are painted to give them greater brightness;
  5. They create a composition according to the conceived idea.

Of these actions, one of the most important is the proper drying of the plants, because if the plants are not dried well, the composition will soon lose stability and either crumble or begin to rot.

Methods for drying and coloring plants

The drying process is not too labor-intensive, it just takes time. But is it possible to store dried flowers and other plants at home during the drying process?

It is possible, but it is not advisable to do this in residential premises. After all, for plants to dry out, they need dryness and the absence of sunlight so that the plants do not lose their natural color.

What drying methods are there? There are several of them:

  1. Hang drying - this is a method that allows you to keep plants in the best possible shape. To do this, long shoots are cut, tied into small bunches and hung with the flower heads down (very rarely up);
  2. Floor drying – plants are dried on newspaper or in a box;
  3. Herbarium – flat plants are dried by placing them under a press, which can be used, for example, as a book or board;
  4. Drying in bulk solids – plants are placed in deep containers with moisture-absorbing dry substances, for example, flour or rice. This method is suitable for drying flowers with large buds;
  5. Industrial drying – plants are placed in specially designed rooms and dried using industrial hair dryers or in infrared cabinets. Then such plants can only be purchased in stores, and other methods are used at home.

After drying, the plants are painted if necessary. For this, various types of dyes are used.

A master class on coloring dried flowers is shown in the video:

Let's move on from technical processes in dried flower arranging to compositions from dried plants.

Types of compositions from dried flowers

From dried flowers, florists are able to create not only ordinary bouquets, but also other types of compositions that will fit perfectly into any interior.

- a round decoration made of dry materials intertwined. There are two types of wreaths, one is a women's accessory, the second is an interior element. In the first case, the basis of the wreath is strong dried plant stems, often cereals, and the addition is both dried and artificial flowers. In the second case, the base is dry branches with dried flowers woven or attached to them;

directly related to the creation of compositions from natural materials. And dried flowers, created according to the laws of this trend in floristry, maximally convey the feeling of nature in the house. Such ikebana can resemble both a flower field and an autumn forest with fallen leaves;

Collage in a photo frame – this decor is suitable for any interior, including children’s. Plants are hidden behind glass and therefore cannot cause allergies. At the same time, they are less susceptible to destruction and last longer. Compositions are created from meadow flowers and dried herbs.

are three-dimensional framed paintings. Plants for such paintings are chosen with shapes close to natural. And unlike collages, where plants have a flat appearance, in this case volume is important.

The creation of panels and collages is a unique floral technique called oshibana. In this case, dried plant material can be supplemented with other natural elements, such as tree branches and bark.

Flower cards – these are interesting miniatures made of dried flowers, mounted on ready-made postcards or on crafts made of paper, cardboard, or fabric. The imagination of florists allows you to create micro bouquets, tiny natural landscapes and still lifes that will become dear to every heart and will be treasured for a long time;

Topiary - This is an original tree in a pot, created with your own hands. It looks original and unusual.

We will describe in more detail how to make such a topiary.

Master class on creating topiary from dried flowers

Topiary of dried flowers- This is a simple composition, which is sometimes created from scrap materials. To make this tree, you just need to take an old pot, a dead trunk from the forest or a dried plant stem, dried flowers or petals, polystyrene foam and various materials for decoration.

But one of the most beautiful master classes is creating eco-topiary from dried flowers. This name is due to the fact that a large number of natural materials are used in the composition.

What will you need to make an eco-tree? You will need the following materials and tools:

  • Flowers and stem of immortelle, larugus grass;
  • Dried pumpkin with a flat bottom;
  • Lace ribbon, sisal and feathers;
  • Linden bast;
  • Styrofoam ball;
  • Glue gun;
  • Sheets of paper and cardboard;
  • Scissors and thread;
  • Nippers and paper clips;
  • Gypsum mortar and container for mixing;
  • Plastic bag.

The master class is carried out step by step in this way (the main processes in the photo collage):

  1. We stick the sharpened strong stem of the immortelle into a foam ball to a depth of three centimeters, and in order for the stick to hold, we plant it on an adhesive base;
  2. We make a base pot from a pumpkin by cutting off the top and gluing a lace ribbon;
  3. We create nests for flowers from bast. We wrap the bast around the cardboard, secure it with thread, cut off the excess length with scissors and straighten the nest;
  4. We create nests from sisal. To do this, cut out small circles from paper, crumple pieces of sisal and glue them onto the base;
  5. We collect elements to decorate the ball from feathers and a nest, secure them with half a paper clip (cut with wire cutters) in the ball, glue an immortelle flower on top;
  6. We fill the ball with elements, glue larugus into the gaps;
  7. We prepare a gypsum solution in a container, take a bag, close the bottom of the pumpkin and pour the solution;
  8. We install the stem with the finished top and leave until completely hardened;
  9. We fold the rest of the package inward, glue it to the base, and add sisal on top.

After this, the composition is completely ready, and such an eco-tree will decorate any room in the house.

When making topiary, you can use various dried flowers, not only those presented in the master class, so let’s look at the catalog with them.

Dried flowers catalog

The huge variety of dried flowers will not allow us to talk about them all. But among the existing species, we can distinguish plants that are very loved by both ordinary people and florists.

, which has the second name helichrysum, is very reminiscent of miniature asters and for good reason, because it belongs to the same plant family. Small flowers with velvet or double petals and multi-colored colors are stored dry for a long time.

Because of this durability of dried flowers, both the name immortelle and the love of florists for creating bouquets from this plant appeared. Helichrysum looks especially beautiful in a bouquet wrapped in craft paper.

beautiful both live and dried. Huge inflorescences of white, green, pink and blue shades serve as an excellent decor for any room. Hydrangea looks incredibly elegant when placed in a glass vase or jug.

But in order to preserve the color and lushness of the plant after drying, you need to know when to harvest it. The most suitable time would be the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, before the start of the rainy season at the moment the last tiny flowers bloom from above. This collection will allow you to preserve the natural color of the dried plant as much as possible.

- This is one of the most favorite dried flowers among florists. They are added both to compositions with fresh flowers and to dead wood. In addition, lavender has many types and retains its aroma even after drying.

Many people love bouquets of dry lavender, but lavender in combination with various dried flowers in a hat box or wooden envelope will look original and not outdated.

Another interesting option for using lavender in floristry is as a hedge in the garden or front garden. For such a fence, annual or perennial tall plant varieties are taken and then planted. At the end of the flowering season, the lavender color will be lost, but the plant will look good until spring.

In spring, the annual dried flower can be replaced with other plants. And dry perennial lavender will come to life again after winter, and in the future its flowers can be cut for drying.

- ornamental grass with a fluffy inflorescence at the end. In common parlance it is called the haretail precisely because of its appearance, reminiscent of the fluffy tail of a long-eared hare.

Larugus spikelets are easy to color, so florists often use the plant when creating bouquets and decorating.

It is an unusual plant in many ways and is considered a religious flower. But nevertheless, florists consider it a good material for creating many compositions.

The flower itself is quite large and consists of a seed capsule and petals. But it is not always possible to see the entire bud in a bouquet. Although it will fade completely, especially if it is painted.

For the most part, craftsmen use a seed pod when creating floral arrangements. The reason for this choice lies in the large and interesting shape, which becomes the central element of any bouquet of dried flowers. Lotus surrounded by lavender, lagurus and wheat is very attractive.

Being a medicinal plant, even after drying it does not lose its properties. The plant can disinfect the air. That is why, during the cold season and winter, bouquets of yellow inflorescences can not only please the eye, but also bring benefits.

Tansy looks elegant in beautifully framed mono-bouquets or compositions with meadow herbs. In addition, the golden color of the plant allows it to be added to any bouquets without disturbing their overall harmony.

- this flower has a delicate bud and a beautiful appearance, which even when dry retains its charm and charm.

Many women, and especially brides, dream of keeping bouquets of these flowers after their wedding. And despite the old and stupid belief that this is bad and harmful, many people preserve these enchanting bouquets for years.

Florists, unlike everyone else, know how to use not only the flower as a whole, but also its other parts as a composite material. This is how rose petals are used to create compositions on panels, man-made roses or flowers of unusual shapes.

is a plant with a fairly long flowering period, which, depending on its color, received the second name limonium or sea lavender. Small inflorescences stand out with their fringed shape and are well suited for creating a composition of dried flowers.

Drying limonium is the easiest to dry compared to other flowers. It is enough to put it in a vase without water, and after a short amount of time it will become dry.

Statice is most suitable for creating winter bouquets. These plants create a wonderful arrangement of flowers in a bouquet, largely due to the wide blue-violet color scheme.

is an ornamental herbaceous plant with beautiful bright red or orange fruits. It is thanks to the beautiful fruit boxes that the plant is dried and used for decoration.

Outwardly, they resemble small copies of Chinese lanterns, which warm you with their warmth. Therefore, floral arrangements made from physalis will add bright accents to the interior and fill it with a festive atmosphere.

- the plant is unusual not for its flowers, but for its seed head, which opens after the flower petals fall. These fluffy balls look incredibly attractive in a bouquet, you just want to touch them. They add originality and playfulness to any bouquet.