DIY plasticine paintings: master class. Drawing with plasticine (plasticineography): basic techniques Is it possible to draw with plasticine

Plasticineography as an unconventional modeling technique for preschoolers.

Children draw, sculpt, and assemble figures and buildings from construction sets. In fact, finger training is “fine motor skills of the palms and hands,” which is directly related to the formation of intelligence, the development of speech, memory, attention and thinking.

Scientists have proven that about a third of the area of ​​the cerebral cortex is projected on the hands, and also areas of fine motor movement are very close to the tongue. It is the magnitude of this projection and its proximity to the motor zone that makes it possible to consider the hand as an “organ of speech”, exactly the same as the articular apparatus. In this regard, scientists have put forward the assumption of a significant interaction between fine movements of the hands and fingers on the formation and development of language function in a child.

Motor skills interact with all the higher properties of consciousness: attention, thinking, optical-spatial perception (coordination of movements), observation, visual memory, etc. The development of fine motor skills is also necessary because throughout the rest of one’s life a person will need to use fine, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers that are needed to write and draw, get dressed, and also perform many different household, industrial and educational activities.

Training and motor skills of the fingers primarily occurs with the help of modeling from plasticine, thus, the child’s creative abilities quickly develop, and plasticine also develops fine motor skills of the hands well.

The main thing in working with plasticine is not to overestimate the child’s strength and give him an interesting and exciting task. Then he will feel maximum pleasure from the modeling process and from the results of his work. And this is the key to future success.

In order for a child to really and seriously become interested in modeling from plasticine, and for creativity to bring joy and satisfaction, he should be selected with the necessary and convenient tools for work.

Modeling from plasticine, as already mentioned, is best done on special modeling boards; you can also use a wooden board or a piece of linoleum. The size of the board depends on the size of the product.

Also, the work will require various devices that will allow you to make some details on plasticine figures.

Some plasticine kits already contain a complete set of tools, which, for example, may include a plastic rolling pin. It is convenient to roll out plasticine into even and thin layers.

Types of modeling in kindergarten.

During modeling classes in kindergarten, there are certain tasks for teachers:

    nurturing children's creativity,

    teaching children visual and technical skills,

    developing interest in this type of activity.

Types of modeling in kindergarten: subject; plot; decorative

    Subject modeling: p Designed for recreating individual objects. Children enthusiastically sculpt figures of people and animals. Only the fastest they master the image of objects of plant and structural form. In connection with this fact, kindergarten teachers are faced with the task of teaching children the ability to depict the key shape of objects in modeling and the most striking features characteristic of them.

    Subject modeling: is accompanied by a large amount of work, because it is necessary to sculpt each individual object included in the composition, give it the desired position on a stand or without it, and then supplement the sculpting with some details.

    Decorative modeling. Introducing children to folk applied art is one of the ways of aesthetic education; in the process of learning its various types, in particular the small decorative plastic arts of folk craftsmen, children can acquire many useful skills. The kids are good and happy to sculpt beads and other decorations for dolls, make decorative vessels: egg stands, salt shakers and vases for small spring flowers, trays and glasses for pens and pencils. In the process of working on a decorative plate, children learn the rules of handling the instrument, various modeling techniques, and, more importantly, beautiful decorative filling of space.


Plasticineography is an unconventional modeling technique, which is expressed in “drawing” with plasticine more or less convex in volume (bas-relief) images on a horizontal surface.

Material for work: plasticine; colored cardboard; markers; ballpoint pen refills; stack; photo frames

Possible tasks:

    improve visual perception.

    promote cognitive, creative and sensorimotor development:

    develop the perception of shape, texture, color, weight, plasticity of the material;

    develop fine motor skills of the hand, synchronization of actions of both hands;

    develop fantasy, imagination, spatial thinking;

    to form the emotional-volitional sphere of children, to develop skills of self-control over the actions performed.

    to promote the socialization of children: the development of their labor skills in planning work to implement a plan, the ability to foresee the result and achieve it.

Types of plasticineography:

1. Direct plasticineography - an image of a molded picture on a horizontal surface.

This technique works mainly all children from an early age. For an early age, you can prepare a simpler contour drawing, without small details, and at an older age, children can apply more complex compositions on their own, with small details. The drawing is filled with softer plasticine, such as wax. It spreads well and blends beautifully. This technique must be performed on a sheet of thick cardboard, but in this case it is necessary to first cover the surface with tape. It is best to spread plasticine on cardboard by hand, since the material under pressure lays in an even layer on the surface, thus achieving the effect of a brush stroke with oil paints.

2. Reverse plasticineography - an image of a stucco painting on the reverse side of a transparent surface or stained glass.

D This type of plasticineography is used on glass, the image is obtained from the other side, which is why it is called reverse plasticineography. Since preschool children cannot work on glass, you can use plastic or plexiglass.

Transfer the design to the surface using a marker, and then fill the elements of the design with plasticine. To do this, you need to select a piece of plasticine according to size and knead it well in your hands, and then smear it on the glass. You can smear it with your fingers or a glass, carefully pressing it onto the surface to form a thin layer. The new color must be applied sequentially and separately. Along the contour, the resulting work can be pasted over with stripes to create a neat frame, or inserted into a finished frame.

3. Modular plasticineography - an image of a molded picture using various elements - rollers, balls, disks.

This technique is more complex, since it requires mastery of all sculpting techniques. First, you need to transfer the drawing you like onto a sheet of cardboard and fill each section of the picture with plasticine of the appropriate color, which can be done with small balls, flagella or whole parts, giving the edges the desired shape using a stack.

4. Mosaic plasticineography - an image of a molded picture using plasticine balls.

Which technique is the simplest?
, since the elements are all the same - plasticine balls. You just need to beautifully combine colors and carefully fill the space without going beyond the outline

5. Contour plasticineography - image of an object using flagella.

This technique is more like for older people, as it requires perseverance and hard work. The contour drawing is filled with flagella, which are pre-rolled by the child himself or prepared in advance by the teacher. To do this, you need to place the plasticine in a syringe, and place the syringe in hot water so that the plasticine melts. After 2-3 minutes, you can squeeze out the plasticine, so you can prepare completely identical flagella, which subsequently fill the space.

6. Multilayer plasticineography - a three-dimensional image of a stucco painting with the sequential application of several layers.

The advantage of this technique is that a very beautiful and bright plot can be created on a plane. This technique is suitable for depicting the sky, mountains, forests and other landscape scenes, when one layer on top is covered by another. Some details of the plasticine painting may have a complex outline. In this case, you need to apply a plasticine cake and remove excess plasticine using a stack.

If the painting contains elements that are difficult to sculpt, then they are repeated with a thin layer of plasticine on paper, cut out with scissors and stuck to the base using thin plasticine rollers, thus achieving a 3-D effect.

7. Textured plasticineography - an image of large areas of a painting on a horizontal surface with a more convex image (bas-relief, high relief, counter-relief)

B relief(fr. bas-relief-low relief) Bas-relief is a common type of decoration of architectural structures, a type of sculptural convex relief in which the image protrudes above the background plane by no more than half the volume. If more, the relief is called high relief(high relief ). The picture can be made in relief in different ways - by forming elements using a stack, by sculpting individual parts that will protrude on the surface. Counter-relief(from lat. contra- against and “relief”) - a type of in-depth relief, which is a “negative” of the bas-relief. This type of in-depth relief can be achieved using rollers with a printed pattern. It is necessary to roll out the plate, first level it with a rolling pin, and then apply the pattern with a roller or stamp. How to arrange and store plasticine paintings. Flat plasticine paintings are best placed under glass in a frame, mat, or stored under transparent film. Plasticine paintings should not be deformed, exposed to direct sunlight or heat.

Plasticine is applied to the picture not with a brush or roller, but with your fingers. Not only an adult, but even a toddler can cope with such work. In addition, you can always make adjustments to a plasticine picture. BUT! There is one main requirement for plasticine - it must adhere well to the base. Plus a number of “non-main” requirements: the material must be elastic (so that it does not crack or fall off in pieces), smooth (so that the elements do not look like hippopotamus skin), heat-resistant (so as not to lose the masterpiece one hot day).

So, not every plasticine suitable for modeling is suitable for drawing. Let's test it.

Floating fluorescent plasticine "Aquaform", company "Gamma" (Russia):

Plasticine is initially plastic, but as it softens it begins to dry out a little. And this “little” plays a role when drawing. At first, the plasticine sticks to the paper, but as it dries, it begins to crumble. It is better not to use it for drawing, otherwise the coating will be lost during the process.

Floating plasticine, "Luch" (Russia):

More elastic than other floating plasticines. You can safely connect the parts - they will not fall off the base in ten minutes, therefore the integrity of the work can be preserved until it is placed in a frame and under glass. Plasticine is matte, if you would like to get an “oil effect”, then it will not reflect the artist’s intention.

Plasticine floating, Koh-I-Noor (Czech Republic):

Weak colors stain not only the fingers, but also the border elements. Therefore, when working with such plasticine, the work will look somewhat sloppy. Plasticine adheres well to paper, but does not hold the connection between individual elements. Thus, this is one of the most inconvenient types of plasticine for drawing.

Modeling paste Idigo (Italy)

The paste does not stick to the paper base. Individual elements also cannot be connected. Already during the work process, when the base is still lying on a horizontal surface, the coating dries out and begins to fall off in pieces. Thus, paste is not suitable for painting at all.

Plasticine "Cartoons", company "Gamma" (Russia)

It fits well on paper, but is difficult to work with: it requires good heating in the hands and long-term softening. Thus, to draw you will not only have to put in some effort, but also spend more time. Otherwise, it is very comfortable and gives a textured glossy finish that does not crumble. The shades in the set were a bit let down, which is an important point for many artists. The colors are rich, but not pure.

Plant-based plasticine, Jovi (Spain)

Very soft plasticine, drawing with it is quite convenient. Although it is only good for applying to the base using the smearing method. It is more difficult to create relief paintings with its help: it easily loses its shape, and the quantity in the set is usually not enough for a relief painting. Plasticine gives a glossy finish.

Plasticine with gold "Prestige", company "Luch" (Russia)

This plasticine has everything in moderation: it is hard enough to hold a given shape (thus it further strengthens the base) and soft enough to be applied to the base. In addition, it is moderately “sticky”, but does not smear on your fingers. Plasticine is ideal for plasticine painting .

Wax plasticine "Baby", Gamma company (Russia)

It is convenient for drawing by small children, since the plasticine is soft, adheres well to the base and to each other, is easily distributed over the surface, and does not dirty hands much.

Plasticine, Koh-I-Noor (Czech Republic)

The characteristics are very similar to Koh-I-Noor floating plasticine, a little more elastic. In any case, it is better not to mess with it as plasticine for drawing.

Some tips for beginners

  • For the base of the picture it is better to use thick, non-glossy cardboard. You can use drawing paper, but also thick paper so that the picture holds its shape and does not shed the finished elements. Plexiglas and plywood are suitable as a durable base.
  • If the surface is partially covered, first check the quality of the connection between the plasticine and the base. If the plasticine does not stick well, it can fall off at any time during work.
  • The stack is used to apply contours to a plasticine surface or to add texture to the surface.
  • Additional details can be made from beads, jewelry, buttons, acorns and other small elements.
  • Apply plasticine from the top of the picture so as not to spoil the finished areas with your palm.
  • The finished work can be inserted into a frame with glass. In this way, it will be possible to preserve the integrity of the painting for a long time and protect it from dust adhesion.

Plasticine is one of the best materials for child development. You can start sculpting plasticine, and for a 5-6 year old child this process will become exciting and very interesting. From this material he can create both three-dimensional figures and applications from plasticine on cardboard. When a child sculpts from plasticine, his finger muscles are trained, which has a beneficial effect on speech development.
The most important thing is that plasticine applique is necessary for children; it develops their imagination and imagination. At the same time, the baby studies the properties of the material, including its adhesive properties.

Parents should work together with their child to create applications from plasticine on cardboard. Firstly, your baby may need help drawing a template or sculpting some of the details. Secondly, with mom the process will become much more interesting and exciting, the child will be busy creating an individual masterpiece.

Types of plasticine applications

You can create different applications from plasticine. They can be planar or voluminous.

A plasticine picture can consist of parts made up of small balls. In this case, it becomes like a mosaic.

In addition, to make the task easier for your baby, you can draw a template. But it’s worth remembering that plasticine appliqué for children provides limitless scope for imagination, so you can give your child the opportunity to create a picture without a template.

If you decide to create a plasticine applique with your child, then you should choose a wax-based material. It is much softer and will give in easily in children's hands. This will allow the child to create any shape, roll a ball or rope, mold a petal and other details.

Pictures from plasticine can be created on any available means: disposable tableware, disks, a piece of plastic, and so on. But still most often basis stands cardboard. To prevent greasy stains from remaining on it, it must be protected with a plastic bag or some other method.

Techniques for creating applications from plasticine

A picture made of plasticine on cardboard can be created using one of many techniques. Below are a few techniques that will help your little one have a fun time creating a clay painting.

Smearing technique

When using this technique, you can use a ready-made template, or give full rein to your imagination. If a template is used, it must first be drawn. Then the baby kneads the plasticine well so that it becomes as soft as possible. A small piece of soft plasticine should be placed on the cardboard and smeared, filling the desired space, for example, a lake or tree. Individual parts, as in the figure above, can be made voluminous. This will make the applique even more beautiful.

It is important to know that before you start working with a different color, the board must be thoroughly cleaned of plasticine. The easiest way to do this is with a knife. To prevent plasticine from sticking to your hands, they need to be moistened in water, so there should be a glass of water and several napkins on the table to clean your hands of sticky plasticine.

Flagella technique

A plasticine picture made from flagella will look very original and unusual.

The process of creating such an application for your baby will become even more exciting. Mom draws a template for the future application. At this time, the baby chooses the desired color of plasticine. The material needs to be kneaded and rolled into flagella of different lengths. After this, you need to assemble the necessary parts from the resulting flagella. They must be attached to the cardboard base and attached.

You can start with simple applications, for example, a dragonfly or several flowers. Then move on to more complex work, for example, animals.

Mosaic technique

You can create a mosaic-shaped applique from small multi-colored plasticine balls. It could be a butterfly, fish, flowers, and so on.

When using this technique, it is also better to have a template, the details of which the child will have to fill in with small multi-colored balls. Your child will need a lot of patience to create such a masterpiece. But if the mother manages to intrigue the baby, he will not leave the process until the plasticine picture is ready.

Creating such an application allows a child to develop perseverance and patience. With the help of such activities, children can be taught to complete things they start.

Technique of volumetric applications from plasticine

This technique can be called one of the most common. From plasticine, the baby and mother create individual parts, which are then combined on cardboard into a common composition. If the application is complex, then it is better to use a template. A simple picture can be created without a preliminary drawing. The child can independently place the elements of the composition and select colors. This develops his creative abilities.

To create an applique from these beautiful green birch trees, you don’t need to draw a template. Let your child arrange trees, leaves, grass and other details on his own.

Combining different techniques

Remember that you can create a picture from plasticine on cardboard using several techniques. For example, the contours can be made from flagella, and the inside of the part can be filled with balls or smears. Create everything that your imagination allows you.

In this case, a picture with flowers is taken. The flowers drawn by the child were turned into three-dimensional ones, sometimes by smearing, sometimes with flagella, sometimes by rolling balls from plasticine. The child invented and added a butterfly. The girl really liked the picture, so decorating it with plasticine was a pleasure.

Thus, for a plasticine applique, you can take any picture your child likes or use a template with a sketch of the picture.

You can easily find ready-made application templates on the Internet. All you have to do is download them and print them, and then get creative with your little one.

Remember that plasticine applications are a wonderful platform for developing creativity, imagination and imagination. But besides this, by making an application from plasticine, the baby can spend time usefully and interestingly.

The presence of children's creativity in your child's life is irreplaceable and necessary for his full development. Creative activities help develop imagination, fine motor skills, promote perseverance, and enable the child to learn about the world around him in a different way. One of the variations of children's creativity is plasticine painting from a syringe, which is actively used in kindergartens and clubs.

The method of drawing with plasticine appeared relatively recently, but immediately gained its popularity not only among children, but also adults. It is believed that this type of drawing was invented by the Englishman James May, thanks to whom a flower exhibition made of plasticine, popular in Great Britain, was created. A little later, an artist from Canada, Barbara Reid, used the plasticine drawing technique to illustrate a children's story.

Drawing with plasticine is primarily an art form that combines the genres of three-dimensional images and flat painting. Plasticine is a material used for modeling, which includes clay, wax, and also adds fats and petroleum jelly, thanks to which the material does not dry out. With its help you can create not only crafts, but real works of art,

Plasticine, unlike other art materials, has the following features:

  • high plasticity, thanks to which it quickly takes on any shape. It is easy to roll out and place on any surface.
  • is a very viscous material that can stick to surfaces.
  • has a rich range of colors.
  • By heating you can very easily and quickly make it very soft and elastic.

The main tools when drawing with plasticine are the artist’s hands, however, today there is a wide variety of other auxiliary tools, one of which is often used disposable medical syringes without needles. With their help, you can not only detail and make parts of an object more expressive, but also get a large number of identical objects in the picture.

For drawing using this method, plasticines of the brands “Gamma”, “Centrum”, “Faber”, “Jovi” are an excellent choice - they are bright, plastic and of high quality.

An example of drawing using a syringe is making grass, branches or cobwebs, to make them you need:

  1. roll some of the plasticine into a sausage.
  2. push the rolled material into the syringe.
  3. Excess plasticine must be cut off in a stack.
  4. Close the syringe using the plunger and heat its contents using water or a microwave.
  5. The warm material must be squeezed onto the work surface using “long threads.” If you need to get “thick lines,” you can use a pastry syringe.

This method of plasticine painting from a syringe will not leave even the most demanding child indifferent.

Photo examples of plasticine painting from a syringe

In addition to this method, there are four more techniques for drawing with plasticine:

"work on cardboard" is the application of strokes to a surface in order to achieve a texture reminiscent of smooth silk,

"work on glass"

using the “pea” and “flagella” techniques

In this technique, a small amount of plasticine is applied to the surface (cardboard), leveled with a tool (stack, knife), and the design itself is scratched using a toothpick, needle or stack.

Thus, plasticine painting is an interesting and exciting process that will help in the development of even the youngest children; the main thing is not to overestimate your child’s abilities, but to provide him with an accessible task.

I'm glad to see everyone here! Now I’ll tell you what you all already know! Agree, all our kids are incredibly talented! I won’t even go into detail about talent, I’ll say this, everyone is talented, for everyone. And the rest depends on the parents, what they develop, and on the capabilities and preferences of the baby himself. Today we’ll talk about the inclinations of creativity in our little ones. And let's try to see how to develop these inclinations by making pictures from plasticine. I promise it will be interesting! Join us!

So, what will the conversation be about? What opportunities do classes with plasticine provide, with whom such games are relevant and what can be constructed using this material.

Let's get inspired

I suggest making a picture for the little ones:

I showed our result on Instagram:

Publication from Elena Selivanova (@site) Oct 12, 2017 at 9:21 PDT

Wonderful lessons on sculpting pictures of landscapes from plasticine can be found on the Video Modeling channel. There are few video tutorials, but one or two are enough to understand the basic principle and even create masterpieces.

And our result for this lesson:

Publication from Elena Selivanova (@site) Oct 12, 2017 at 10:10 PDT

Please do not treat such creativity as purely childish. There are paintings that are worthy of admiration and can take pride of place on the wall of an apartment. For example, we have a painting that we sculpted based on Pushkin’s fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila. Remember the beginning:
“Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak...”

Our second favorite picture

Just look at the masterpieces you can create. Sometimes even oil painting does not look as impressive and voluminous as plasticine.

Developing a toddler using plasticine

For children, any joint activity with their parents is already a useful and proper pastime. After all, during this time, the little one sees sincere manifestations of love for him: smiles addressed to him, kisses and strokes, hears kind words. And also, he plays! All these factors contribute to the development of his personality.

But now the little one is turning one year old, and I already want to start laying the foundation for his creative potential. Learn to do something with your own hands. And plasticine will play the most important role in this! But the fact is that he seems to be picking up the baton from those toys that we bought for the baby to develop fine motor skills. It is pleasant to knead it in the hands of a baby (of course, if we have previously kneaded the material and brought it to an extremely plastic state). And when it turns out that it “tears” and sticks together again, the baby will be happy!

Let me summarize the benefits of modeling:

  • Fine motor skills develop;
  • The foundation of a creative personality is laid;
  • The baby develops emotionally;
  • The child receives satisfaction when he understands how to do this or that thing himself;
  • Memory is strengthened;
  • Modeling is a visual demonstration of the color, shape and volume of an object;
  • Arm muscles are strengthened.

A 2-3 year old child is already able to not only enjoy kneading pliable plasticine in his hands, but can already begin to create step by step! What will it be? Let's talk about it!

But first, I want to draw your attention to the choice of this material for modeling. It’s good when its color range is so diverse that it allows you to create any, even very bright, crafts. But the most important thing that parents should worry about is the safety of the substance. Check the ingredients and make sure you can trust your baby with it.

Crafts made from colored plasticine

What can you create with plasticine? There are some interesting and unusual techniques for working with this material. Thanks to this it is possible:

  • Modeling of animals;
  • Drawing with plasticine;
  • Creating a picture of the patch.

How to make animals with your little one? If the baby is very small, assign him separate light and simple parts, which, in principle, can be of any shape. And take on more complex things yourself, for example, the head with its ears, eyes, nose, etc. By connecting, you will get a decent job.

The baby is growing, and now he has learned to do everything himself. From start to finish, he can sculpt an animal, a house, a sun or a little man.

To color an existing picture, you need to select those parts that your little one can handle. Is he 2 years old? Then show how to pinch off a small piece from the block and roll it.

What elements can you teach him to do? So far the simplest ones: stripes and balls. But this is enough for the baby to take part in work of any scale. With the help of these two figures he can do a lot; from balls - flower petals, snowflakes or stars. And from the stripes - twigs, stems, wave crests.

To apply plasticine you will need a little more skill, skill and preparation. And first of all, we will prepare all the necessary tools.

We will need:

  • Idea;
  • Sample;
  • And colored plasticine.

Draw a picture on cardboard or paper. You can download a template on the Internet, or come up with the content yourself, you can just take your favorite coloring books. The image can carry any idea. For example, it is important to postpone Christmas gifts until the winter holidays. Then an applique made by a toddler. It will be a great surprise for family and friends.


  1. modeling finished parts and then gluing them to the base, like applique
  2. modeling in small circles
  3. just filling out the picture, smearing it with your fingers so to speak
  4. thin ropes made of plasticine - roll out the thinnest sausages from plasticine and lay them out, filling the picture

I offer templates for pictures. Attention, life hack: you don’t have to print it out, you can attach a sheet of paper to the monitor and trace the outlines.

Pictures enlarge by clicking.

How to draw with the little ones

So, let's draw a picture. We immediately think about what the baby can do. Taking into account its capabilities. If it's a snowman, then you shouldn't draw it big. The toddler’s small palm will not yet be able to roll out a large piece of plasticine, even if we knead it first. Make 2 or 3 snowmen. It will be even more interesting.

Drew. The kid made a circle, help him secure this part to the base. Move on to the next part of the picture.

Just like that, taking into account the interest and abilities of the baby, you will develop the child’s creative abilities. What else would I like to remind you? It's class time. Don't wait for the baby to get tired. Let the first stucco lessons take 5-10 minutes. You can always adjust the time later.

Friends! I wish everyone to understand the science of being good parents! Share your secrets with us so that we can strive for the ideal! That's all for today! Let me just remind you that you have the opportunity to tell all your friends about our conversations, you can invite them to us, and let them tell you what helps them be better dads and moms. Subscribe to news, re-read old conversations, stay active! And... that's it! Bye bye!