Paper birds (55 crafts for children). Origami bird made of paper (origami bird diagram) Bird of happiness made of paper diagram

MBOU "Secondary School No. 1" in Yemva, Komi Republic

Working with paper.

Folding. Origami “Bird of Happiness”

Completed by: primary school teacher

Mishina Yu.E.

Emva, 2015

The art of paper folding

basically without the use of scissors and glue.

Origin story of Origami

Japanese chronicles claim that origami arose in 610

The secret of paper making came from China to Japan.

At first it was made from silkworm cocoons.

The ancient method of making paper still flourishes in Japan.

Next to the huge factories that produce paper using modern technologies, there are also small workshops in which expensive, elite paper is made according to ancient recipes.

Types of Origami

Classic origami- involves making a figure from a square without scissors and glue.

Modular origami– the art of creating complex compositions from many separately manufactured modules; modular origami can use glue to hold the parts together, but this is not necessary

Listen to the poem

Bird feast

Leaves fall from the branches. The rains never stop pouring. Flocks of birds fly away and head south. But the rock pigeon remained to spend the winter on bare branches. A flock of tit birds is jumping up and down the trees.

The crossbill bird huddles in its nest, and the crow is at the window. Help the birds meet the day when spring comes. Take a walk along the edges of the forest and give them feeders. Even from the north the bullfinch will fly to this feast.

Materials and tools

Tools: scissors, glue, ruler, pencil,

a written rod (for drawing lines for folding).

Materials: 2 sheets of paper (A 4) “Snow Maiden”.

Step-by-step execution of work

1 step. Take 1 sheet of paper. We bend the sheet in half to create two rectangles. Cut along the fold line. Bend one rectangle to make a square

Step-by-step execution of work

Step 2 Let's cut off the lower part and then make a tuft out of it.

Step-by-step execution of work

3 step. Fold the sides of the square inward towards the middle, first from one end and then from the other end

Step-by-step execution of work

4step. Bend in half. The workpiece has the shape of an isosceles triangle

Step-by-step execution of work

Step 5 Bend one acute angle to a point, as shown in photo 8 . This will be the head and neck of the bird.

Step-by-step execution of work

6 step. We bend the other corner, this is the tail of the bird (photo9) .

We tuck the triangular end of the tail inward (photo 11) .

Step-by-step execution of work

7 step. We make a beak from one corner by folding the ends of the workpiece inward along the fold and pulling it outward

Step-by-step execution of work

8 step. Take 2 sheets of paper and mark the bird’s tail (dimensions 20 x 10), and the rest of the sheet is the bird’s wings.

Step-by-step execution of work

9 step. Let's make a blank for the tail, the width of the strips is 1cm. We connect the marks with invisible lines (we draw lines with a rod that does not write).

Step-by-step execution of work

10step. We make a corrugated blank for the tail, wings and crest (“accordion”).

Step-by-step execution of work

11step.According to the template (or draw), we apply a beautiful pattern along the edges of the tail, wings, crest and cut it out.

Step-by-step execution of work

Step 12 We make a cut and insert the wings into it.

Step-by-step execution of work

Step 13 We glue the last strips on the wings to the body. Glue the tail into the crevice of the bird's back. We glue the crest into the crevice of the head formed by bending the beak and glue it. Let's draw the eyes.

Evaluation criteria

1. The task was completed efficiently, without violation of the execution stages

2. All work methods have been performed correctly

3.The work was completed independently, without the help of a teacher.

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Target: creating optimal conditions for the development of a creative personality through origami classes.


  • introduce students to the meaning of the bird symbol in the culture of the Russian people, such methods of processing paper as bending and folding;
  • teach techniques for folding origami products;
  • cultivate patience during the painstaking step-by-step process of creating origami;
  • develop attention, perseverance, fine motor skills of fingers;
  • cultivate hard work.

We are waiting first results: learn how to fold products using the origami technique; consolidate paperwork skills and independently plan the progress of work.

Materials and equipment: a visual aid with a diagram of folding the basic “Kite” shape; sample model “Bird of Happiness”; illustrations depicting different types of “birds of happiness”.

Musical arrangement: song “Bird of Happiness” (N. Gnatyuk); song "We wish you happiness."


Teacher:“Hello, dear guys!” The New Year holiday is coming soon. Guys, please tell me, do you believe in miracles?

Children's answer options.

Teacher: Guys, when do you think miracles can happen? What time? Can a good person perform miracles?

Children's answer options.

Teacher: It turns out that good kind miracles can be performed by a kind person, one who helps another person, comes to the rescue, and shares joy with others.

Teacher: Guys, have you heard anything about the bird of happiness?

Children's answer options. A teacher's story about the legend “The Bird of Happiness.” (Annex 1 ).

Teacher: The theme of our lesson is “Bird of Happiness”.
We all want, both children and adults, to have a good home, that no one quarrels, that fathers and mothers love you, and children love their parents. Come on, guys, today we will perform a miracle, fold the origami figurine “Bird of Happiness”. And I will help you with this.

There is an explanation of the material and technology for making an origami figurine:

Prepare parts from colored paper - the body, tail, wings of the bird. To do this, select three sheets of paper of different colors and prepare squares from them. Mark the parts using folding technique. Place the square in front of you on its edge, colored side down. Fold it in half to form a triangle and unfold it. Bend the top and bottom corners to the center line. Then bend the right corner to the middle of the center line. Fold the workpiece in half. Bend the neck and make a beak. Fold the other two squares of colored paper into an accordion shape.

Assembly. Use glue to connect the parts together.

Finishing. If desired, you can make a small hole in the upper part of the bird's body and thread a thread through it so that the craft can be hung. ( Appendix 2 ).

Teacher: Guys, let’s imagine how our birds come to life and they flap their wings. And you and I do exercises (the song “Bird of Happiness” plays). How amazing! A miracle happened to us! Our birds of happiness have come to life. Look how many birds we got! Everyone has their own bird! Yes, they are all so beautiful! (showing works).
Teacher: We have so many birds of happiness! We have a lot, a lot of happiness! Today we learned how to fold the origami “Bird of Happiness” figurine.
Let's remember: what did the Arkhangelsk legend tell us about?

Children's answer options.

– Based on what basic shape did we build the figure?

Children's answer options.

Children's answer options.

Teacher: Guys, let's share our happiness with our family and friends. You will give the “bird of happiness” you made in class to the one you love. And we will present our guests with the song “We wish you happiness.”

Teacher: Today we created a miracle! We made the same birds, but they all turned out different. I think that everyone in class completed the task today. Our lesson is over. Thanks everyone! Goodbye!

Paper products are a great way to have fun with friends and family, make an interesting gift and simply develop fine motor skills. Birds are made from origami most often, because their patterns for newbies are the simplest, and the resulting product is quite beautiful and attractive.

The most commonly used origami techniques are cranes, swans or doves. Owls, seagulls and other representatives of nature are the least popular, and most often this is due to the difficulty of working with them.

Poultry, such as ducks or turkeys, are also rarely made using the origami technique. And, as we said above, not all of them are migratory. What to do if you are a teacher, and your senior group in kindergarten, or your class in high school, decided to master the technique of making a bird of happiness? Don’t worry about this: we have instructions on our website that will help you figure out step by step how this bird is made and you can easily teach this technique step by step not only to children, but to anyone.

In any case, there are many schemes for each of the modular birds: they are distinguished by different levels of training and by the general shape of the figure.

They all mean the presence of some paper that will not tear from too frequent disassembly at a certain point, but will also be easy to change. In addition, you often have to resort to the following things:

  • A simple pencil.
  • Long ruler.
  • Protractor.
  • Sharp scissors.

Many algorithms may not require these tools. The easiest way to create a swan from a module is. You can often see such a bird as a detail for table setting, when large napkins are folded in this way, placing them on an empty dish.

To create a modular product, you will need a large piece of paper in the form of a square, on which a central line is drawn, and the side corners need to be tucked to it. The figure looks like a long rhombus. The corners of the triangles that make up its long part are bent inside, and the figure in the center on the vertical is once again folded in half.

The most beautiful corner of the module (located at the base) bend it diagonally so that this particle creates a perpendicular to the base, and its end is directed with a new fold outward to the side. Let's make the swan's head and neck, we're done. It is enough to bend the tail twice along parallel diagonals with an accordion, and the work with this origami bird is finished.

Gallery: paper bird (25 photos)

Origami bird, dove

The dove is considered a sign of peace and is the easiest origami bird to make. As you know, there are a lot of schemes, choose any one, and beginners are encouraged to take the one that includes only seven steps. Will need to buy colored paper, cutting out a square of twenty by twenty or larger sizes from it, so that no difficulties arise when adding. In the first stage, we need to lay it out in front of us like a diamond, and then bend all the edges inward, connecting the tips in the center. We should get a square envelope.

After this, we turn the lower corners of the modular figure towards the central strip and bend it, turning the square into a pentagon. After this, along our middle vertical, it will fold and the piece of paper will turn. Its widest side looks up, its sharp corner looks to the left, the diagonal goes to the very bottom. At this step we will bend the sharp corner, which will become the beak of the dove: It is best to stick to a diagonal of forty-five degrees. However, it is worth knowing that it does not go back or forward, but must fold inward, between the halves of the piece of paper. And the line on top will now bend in the opposite direction.

Next, we need sharp scissors: at an angle of forty-five degrees at the lower right corner we make notch-diagonal. If it is difficult to determine its length by eye, you can find the middle on the right side of the product, draw a line along it along the base, and the point of intersection of this line with the diagonal from the right corner will become the end of the cut. We bend the left part of it outward, making a dove’s wing: this must be done on both sides.

The right side will remain lowered: this is the tail of the bird, with which one more manipulation must be done. Let's make a diagonal from the sharp corner to the upper base, measure an angle of twenty degrees, and then bend the edges of the product module inward along this line. This completes the production of the origami dove from the module.

Origami: bird of happiness, how to make it yourself

To make this bird we will need the following materials:

  • Plain paper or colored on both sides.
  • The leaflet measures about eighteen by eighteen or twenty-four by twenty-four.

According to the traditional origami bird of luck pattern, the square needs to be folded so that it resembles a simple rhombus, after which it is folded in half twice and folded back, each time creating a rectangle. This move will allow draw additional lines. After this, you need to turn the paper over and start bending it again, but along the diagonals of the diamond, each time getting ordinary triangles. Thus, the last additional lines were created.

We turn the sheet over again, and then press on its central part with your finger, lifting all the corners up and connecting them: i.e. the piece of paper “hugs” your finger, which is immediately removed. A piece of paper standing on the surface with its base in a plane is still the same square, but in the projection of a simple rhombus. It should be turned over so that the “blind” corner, which is considered the base on which pressure was pressed, is on top, and the diverging corners are directed downward.

Final stage - the sides of the diamond must be folded inward, connecting the edges along the central strip. Then we bend them back. You also need to do the same for the upper “blind” corner: lower it down and straighten it again. The basting lines are created. The most exciting and important point: you will need to pull the lower edge of the top layer, lifting it, as a result of which folds should be created along the previously marked lines and a hollow diamond will form. The same steps are done for the opposite side.

So we made a fake module that can even fly. If you want to make a firebird, then know that everything is done according to the same scheme, you just need to choose other colors and add a few manipulations, but for beginners it is better not to take on the firebird.

Paper crafts are a wonderful way to have fun with friends and children, make an original gift, and simply improve fine motor skills. Origami birds are most often created because their patterns are most understandable for beginners, and the resulting product is quite original and presentable.

The most actively used origami techniques are cranes, swans or doves. Owls, seagulls and other representatives of the fauna are less popular, and more often precisely because of the difficulty of working with them. There are, of course, many designs for each bird: they differ both in the required level of preparation and in the general appearance of the figure.

All of them imply the presence of colored or plain paper, which will not tear from too frequent manipulation at a specific point, but will also be easily deformed. In addition, you often have to resort to using a simple pencil, ruler, protractor and scissors. However, in some algorithms these devices may not be needed.

The easiest way to make a paper swan is. You can often notice such a bird as an element of table setting, when large napkins are folded in a similar way, placing them on an empty dish.

To make it, you need a large sheet of paper in the shape of a square, on which a central line is marked, and the side corners are turned to it. The figure resembles an elongated rhombus. The triangles that made up its long part have their internal corners bent, and the figure along the middle vertical is again folded in half.

The most acute angle (lying at the base) is bent diagonally so that this part forms a perpendicular to the base, and its tip is directed with a new fold outward to the side. The swan's head and neck are ready. It is enough to bend the tail twice along parallel diagonals with an accordion, and the work with this origami bird is completed.

Making a pigeon: master class with diagrams

The dove is a symbol of peace and the easiest origami bird to make. There are, of course, a lot of schemes for it, and beginners are encouraged to use the one that includes only 7 steps. You will need to stock up on colored paper, cutting out a 20 by 20 or slightly larger square from it, so that there are no special difficulties when folding. At the initial stage, you will need to place it in front of you like a diamond, and then bend all the edges inward, aligning the vertices in the center. You should end up with a square envelope.

Now the lower corners of the figure are tucked towards the center line and bent, turning the square into a pentagon. After which it is folded along the same middle vertical and the paper is turned. Its widest side looks up, its acute angle looks to the left, the diagonal goes down. At this step, the sharp corner is bent, which will become the beak of the pigeon: it is advisable to adhere to a diagonal of 45 degrees. However, it should be understood that it does not go back or forward, but folds inward, between the halves of the paper. And the top line will now bend in the opposite direction.

Next you will need scissors: a diagonal cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees at the lower right angle. If it is difficult to determine its length by eye, you can find the middle on the right side of the figure, draw a line along it along the base, and the point of intersection of this line with the diagonal from the right angle will become the point where the cut ends. The part to the left of it bends outward, forming a dove’s wing: this must be done on both sides.

The right one remains lowered: this is the tail of the bird, with which it is necessary to perform 1 more manipulation. From an acute angle to the upper base, start a diagonal, measuring an angle of 20 degrees, then bend the edges of the figure inward along this line. This completes the creation of an origami paper dove.

You can use another diagram of the same bird, which already includes 11 steps, but to some it may seem simpler in execution than the previous one. A sheet of paper is selected with the same parameters, and is also located in the projection of the rhombus, after which it is folded in half along a vertical line and straightened back. Then the side parts must be tucked towards the same middle, aligning their edges, and the top bent back.

The next step is to mark the lines: the side corners of the resulting triangle are folded towards the middle and straightened, then each of them is bent outward, but only along the front side, so that the top remains untouched. At the final stage it will become the head of a dove.

The lower ends of the side folds need to be moved inward; the angle at which this is done is taken to be minimal - 7-10 degrees. After this, along the middle vertical, the figure is folded with a movement away from itself: i.e. those sides that were in your field of vision should remain visible, being external. Then the product is turned so that the midline along which it was bent looks diagonally upward: this is the back of the bird.

All that remains is to bend the head inward - the upper corner, and fold the tail. The latter is reproduced as follows: first, the part is folded and straightened along a line close to the base, then along the line that is 0.5-1 cm (depending on the original dimensions of the paper) to the right of it. Now, thanks to the outlined lines, it is easy to bend the latter with a finger movement so that it disappears inside the bird. A simple origami dove is ready.

Origami: DIY bird of happiness

Legends and songs were written about the bird of happiness, and many people were probably at least once interested in what it looked like. However, its appearance in the imagination of each nation differs: in particular, in Japan the crane is called the bird of happiness. In this East Asian country, there is a belief that 1000 of these origami birds are able to fulfill even the most unrealistic but secret desire. Of course, this is just a beautiful fairy tale, but maybe by the time the 1000th crane flies out from under your hands, your old dream will really come true?

To create such a bird you will need paper, preferably colored on both sides. Sheet sizes are preferable to 18 by 18 or 24 by 24, since with smaller parameters it becomes more difficult to work out every detail unless you have significant experience in origami. And the last nuance that is important to consider when choosing paper is the degree of its softness and strength. Often you have to bend and straighten one line several times, after which some materials begin to tear in this place, which reduces the result to “no”.

  • According to the classic origami bird of luck pattern, the square is placed so that it resembles a diamond, after which it is folded in half twice and folded back, each time forming a rectangle. This move made it possible to outline auxiliary lines. Now you need to turn the paper over and start bending again, but along the diagonals of the rhombus, each time getting triangles. This created the last auxiliary lines.
  • The sheet is turned over again, and then you need to press on its center with your finger, lifting all the corners up and combining them: i.e. the paper “hugs” the finger, which is immediately removed. The paper standing on the surface with its base in a plane is still the same square, but in the projection of a rhombus. It should be turned over so that the “blind” corner, which is the base on which the pressure was pressed, is at the top, and the diverging ones look down.
  • A new stage - the sides of the diamond need to be bent inward, aligning the edges along the center line. After which they bend back. The same must be done for the upper “blind” corner: lower it down and straighten it again. The basting lines are ready. The most interesting and important point: the lower edge of the top layer should be pulled, lifting it, as a result of which folds should be created along the previously drawn lines, and a hollow, not completely closed rhombus should be formed. The same actions are performed for the opposite (back) side.

  • Now, in appearance, the figure resembles 2 elongated rhombuses, combined with a single base. Continuing to hold it in this position, you should again fold the sides inward, towards the middle line: for each rhombus this is done separately, they are under no circumstances combined at this stage. Then it is important to bend each of the lower parts upward and move them apart no more than 45 degrees, and then straighten them again.
  • According to the resulting lines, the ends of the rhombus will again need to be bent, but inward, and on either side the very tip is also bent by 45 degrees - this will be the bird’s head. The final step is lowering the “wings”, i.e. the upper ends of the rhombus, as well as flattening of the central “hump”. The Japanese bird of happiness is ready to fly after its dreams!

Crane that brings happiness: video tutorial

Read also:

  • DIY paper boomerang
  • DIY paper flowers
  • How to make a swan from a tire?
  • How to make a dove out of paper?
  • Paper crane of happiness
  • How to make a frog out of paper?
  • Paper claws or nails
  • How to make a paper dinosaur with your own hands using the origami technique?

When you have fully mastered these patterns, you can move on to more complex versions of the firebird, the original owl, etc. The number of algorithms for creating origami birds has exceeded 100, so you will definitely find an idea to your liking.

The origami crane is one of the most basic origami crafts you can make, it is not only a simple paper craft, it also has a long and beautiful history. Of all the different works of art that are made with paper, it seems that the simple crane is still very popular and very close to people's hearts. The first time I saw an origami crane was when I was in first grade, and my teacher taught the whole class how to make them . But I never managed to assemble it, I was so upset that I couldn’t make a crane that I decided that I hated origami and would never devote time to this, in my opinion, meaningless activity. But everything changed a few years ago when I went to Japan. I got off the plane and went to get something to eat, but suddenly I noticed that at the airport there was a museum dedicated to the art of origami. Of course I decided to go there. When I entered the museum, I simply fell in love! Everything was so beautiful! I was so impressed that I stayed in the museum for hours just looking at all the different origami crafts. I visited the museum three more times before I left Japan and even learned how to make an origami heart. On my last visit to the museum, I bought a book and origami paper to take home as I was very interested in the art and really wanted to collect various new creations. Now, after some time, I learned how to make different models of fish, birds and animals, and of course an origami crane - traditional and magical! There is even an ancient legend in Japan that says that if you collect 1000 origami cranes, a crane will fly to you and make your wish come true. There is one sad story related to the origami crane about a girl who was only two years old when the atomic bomb was dropped, she was only a mile from the epicenter of the explosion. Over the years, she began to feel unwell due to an illness that was caused by a bomb explosion. She spent a lot of time in the hospital, but then she remembered the old legend about the crane and decided to try to make 1000 cranes, but died before she could achieve her goal. For this reason, I always think of her every time I make an origami crane, and I always pray for peace on Earth.

On this page you can find out how to make an origami bird- a bird made of paper. This is a fairly simple origami diagram; it consists of ten stages.

Ready paper bird shown on the left or in the last picture of the origami diagram for children. In order to make an origami bird You can use patterned paper napkins or colored paper. The picture at the bottom of the page shows a decoration idea using paper birds.

How to make an origami bird - a paper bird

In order to make a bird out of paper, you will need a square sheet of paper. The figure below shows a diagram, how to fold origami birds out of paper.

Fold a sheet of paper in half twice as shown in the first origami drawing, so that the sheet of paper has folds indicated by dotted lines.

Bend a sheet of paper as shown in figure number two. The corners of the left and right halves of the origami should meet in the center.

As shown in the following pictures, bend the left and right corners. The picture below shows a decoration idea using blue paper birds.

Origami diagram “Crane”

Perhaps the “Crane” is the most classic form of origami. Using the diagram below, you can easily fold this beautiful bird. Origami diagram “Crane”:

Procedure: 1. We begin to fold the crane from the basic shape of a Square 2. We move the layers of paper apart on the sides and make three folds: we bend and unbend the right and left edges, after which we bend and unbend the top of the figure. Turn over and repeat the same with the other side; 3. Carefully lift the top layer of the diamond and bend it upward. We do this by pressing on the sides. 4. Turn the figure over and repeat the same with the other side; 5. Spread the layers of paper apart on the sides and fold the sides of the front layer of the figure towards the center; 6. Turn the figure over to the other side and do the same as in the previous point; 7. Now we spread the layers of paper along the sides of the figure and wrap the sharp lower ends up. Press on the sides, align the figure and bend to the sides, you guessed it, the nose and tail of the crane; 8. Bend the crane’s nose, spread its wings and voila.

Here are the other entries!

Tags: CraneOrigami animalsOrigami patterns

All the January holidays are over. And in February we are waiting for almost our own holiday - Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14. In Russia, it has been celebrated not so long ago, but we can safely say that everyone, young and old, knows the history of this holiday and its significance.

It seems to me that the best gift for Valentine's Day is one made with your own hands. A gift made with your own hands allows you and your partner to understand and feel the value and individuality of your relationship.

A huge number of DIY gift ideas for Valentine's Day can already be found on the Internet. However, an indispensable attribute of Valentine's Day is “Valentines”, or simply, cards in the shape of hearts. Large, small, paper, fabric and even edible - they are visible everywhere.

I suggest you learn how to make your own paper valentines.

How to make a valentine with your own hands

Surely you are familiar with the wooden birds of happiness, very beautiful and graceful.

You can find out how such a bird is made from wood in this video:

How to make a bird of happiness amulet craft with your own hands from scrap materials? Here are the ideas of our authors.

Paper bird of happiness

Children have a natural desire to learn new and unknown things, and you can start with your native culture. For example, try making a paper toy in the shape of a bird, which is so similar to a wooden carved figurine. For example, like in this video:

Another option was sent by Anastasia Batina.

And this bird is not an ordinary one, it will become the guardian of prosperity and bring happiness on its wings to your home! It will be a good gift for any spring holiday: Maslenitsa, March 8, Easter, and if done this way, also for May 9. Our master class will tell you in detail how to make this wonderful bird, are you ready?

Materials and tools

To create a figurine of the bird of happiness, prepare the tools and materials:

  • thick double-sided paper in light shades (yellow, green, pink, beige);
  • paper for decoration (patterned);
  • multi-colored rhinestones or sparkles;
  • thread, braid, ribbon or rope;
  • simple pencil;
  • black marker;
  • scissors and glue.

How to make a carved figurine of a bird of happiness from paper

Take thick paper or thin cardboard as a basis. To decorate, use decorative paper or print the pattern using a printer. Prepare other materials and tools for ease of work.

Fold the base paper in half. Draw the silhouette of the bird on the sheet so that the fold is captured and the figure has a connection point at the loop.

From half an A4 sheet, make an accordion lengthwise.

Draw a curly pattern on one side of the paper accordion.

Carefully cut out the pattern on one side of the accordion, fold it in half and duplicate the pattern on the other side. Cut out the pattern again and spread the resulting openwork wings.

On decorative paper, draw the head and tail of the bird, tracing the figure. Make curly cuts on the tail, and cut off the corners along the edge of the head.

Glue the decorative parts onto the main figure.

Make cutouts for the wings and for the future loop.

Glue circles of paper under the eyes, and stick rhinestones on top.

Using a black marker, draw a beak and a random pattern on the eyes, neck, tail and eyelet.

Insert the long openwork wings into the prepared slot.

Decorate the edges of the bird's wings and neck with rhinestones or sparkles. Thread a beautiful rope and make a loop for the figurine.

Move the sides of the figure apart so that the bird holds its shape. Spread your wings.

Fold the edges of the wings down, spreading them out like a fan.

The wonderful carved bird of happiness is ready!

Our bird, although not wooden, is very similar to the work of masters from the past. The patterns and decorations for the figurine will be different in each case and each bird will be one of a kind. But the most important thing is that the bird was made by hand and therefore all the positive feelings and emotions, imagination and childish delight are put into it! This means that such an unusual figurine will be a wonderful gift or home decoration.

Another interesting option:

Bird of happiness made of threads

The “Bird of Happiness” amulet gives calm and peace. He protects family and home. In this master class we will make such a talisman with our own hands.

To make the “Bird of Happiness” amulet we will need:

  • Sand or gray yarn;
  • Colored yarn;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler.

First you need to make blanks. We take yarn of the main color - sand or gray.

We cut pieces 27 cm long. The bundle of pieces of yarn should be thick.

Then we will make blanks for the wing. Cut 5 pieces of yarn 30 cm long.

We also cut 5 pieces of yarn 26 cm long. Cut 5 pieces of yarn 22 cm long and 5 pieces 18 cm long.

Now we fold each bundle of 5 segments and tie them in the middle with a thread. The ends of the yarn should be in the middle.

We do not touch the large body bun.

We begin to collect the bird. From the large body bundle, take 3 pieces of yarn and fold this bundle in half. Take the red thread. And we begin to wrap the beak. It should be approximately 1-1.5 cm long. The tip of the thread can be crocheted into the winding.

We divide the bundle into 2 equal parts and place the main bundle between them.

And we tie the part with thread from below.

We move all the sections from the beak back and this is how the bird’s head is formed.

We tie the neck with red thread. The neck will also be 1-1.5 cm long.

Then, immediately after the blue winding, we will make another one - green or any other. And let's finish wrapping one end of the wing with red thread.

We do the same with the second side of the part.

We do this with all wing elements.

And then we collect the bird. We divide its body in half. And put in the longest wing piece.

Then we put in a smaller piece and so on, going downwards. You will get a wing like this.

We tie the body with red thread, making a winding of 1 cm.

We straighten the tail and divide it into 4-5 parts. And we make a red winding in the middle on each part.

Since this bird is a protective bird, its body needs to be overlapped with a red thread. We wrap the body 3-4 times diagonally. Then we hook the thread around the neck and make an overlap, wrapping it also diagonally on the other side of the body. You will get a cross.

The “Bird of Happiness” amulet is ready!

Fabric bird

Traditional folk birds were made to summon spring, and of course, from natural materials in bright colors. They were used to decorate the spring.

Nowadays, many beautiful synthetic materials have appeared, like organza, and crafts are also made from them:

Another master class for lovers of interior scented toys:

How and from what do you make a bird of happiness? Send your photos and master classes, with pleasure!

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